Page 90 of Peer & Coco
She hesitated in the entryway. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."
"Well, I'm here. Go ahead and get on with your visit." He went into the kitchen and leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.
Kelli hesitated. He motioned his chin toward Tyr. What did she need? A second invitation?
Coco would've been down on her knees with his son by now. From day one, she'd never hesitated over taking care of him and had spent hour upon hour talking to Tyr.
Kelli sat down across from Tyr and watched him. Peer pulled out his phone and shot a text to Coco.
Want to go to the clubhouse for dinner? I'll see if N or H can watch T.He pushed send.
She was probably in her car on the way to the hair place still. He set the phone beside him on the counter. She'd been right. It was her day off. After getting her hair done, she deserved a night off from cooking.
Tyr gave Kelli a stuffed bear, and she hugged and kissed the animal before handing it back. His son threw the snuggle toy to the floor.
Peer grinned. His son was all boy.
Kelli put her hands out in front of her and tried to get Tyr's attention. His son walked to her and sat in her lap, letting her hug him.
Peer stretched his neck side to side. He could've been using the free hour to get some shit done around the house, but he wasn't going to leave the room while Kelli was with their son.
"Hey, Peer." Kelli stood, holding Tyr on her hip. "I wanted to tell you I'm moving."
That got his attention.
"I found another home to rent over on MLK Boulevard. It's an apartment, but a nice one. They have a play area in back for kids, and there's a lot of families that stay there." She swayed side to side, half speaking to Tyr.
"Why are you moving?"
She gazed at him. "I know you don't like the thought of me renting from Mitch. It's true I don't have any kind of relationship with him, but a tenant/landlord one. But since you're letting me see Tyr, I don't want anything to make you change your mind. I'm really trying to prove I'm worth trusting again. Tyr's the most important thing in my life. I'll do anything to keep visiting him."
"Just don't hurt our son."
"I won't." She looked at Tyr. "Have you ever seen such a beautiful boy?"
He grunted in agreement.
"Every night, I close my eyes and try to replay everything he does and says during our visit." Kelli smiled, and he recognized the woman he'd enjoyed being around. "I'm so thankful you gave me a second chance, and understand why and what happened with me."
He understood what she was diagnosed with, and she had no control over the Postpartum Depression, but he hadn't walked in her shoes. For him, nothing and no one could take him away from his son. He understood she hadn't been in her right frame of mind. Now she seemed back to normal and deserved a second chance with their son. A good show of faith was cutting all ties with a Bantorus Motorcycle Club member.
His phone vibrated. He reached over and picked up his cell, reading the incoming text.
Coco: I'm going to be late. Sorry.
He replied. How late?
Coco: I don't know yet. I'll send a text when I'm on my way home.
Instead of texting again, he put his thumb on the call back button. If she was going to be out after dark, he needed to know what she was doing and where she was at. He could send a Slag member over to escort and follow her home.
"Everything okay?" asked Kelli.
"Ja." He put the phone in his pocket, not saying anything more to Kelli.
There was something going on with Coco, and it was more than the upcoming move. He swept back his hair and walked away from Kelli and looked out the window, hoping she'd get the hint that he wasn't going to talk about his private life. She came to play with Tyr, and he'd prefer if she kept her distance.
Turning his back and facing the window, he pulled out his phone and called Coco. It rang three times, and her voicemail came on.
He disconnected without leaving a message.