Page 94 of Peer & Coco
Coco slowed down and put the blinker on. "There's that car again. Look and see if there's a man sitting in the front seat."
In front of the bar, he gazed to his right, trying to follow her change of subject, and spotted the Federal Agent staked out where he always is.
"What about it?"
"He was there when I was visiting Lizzy. I called and mentioned him, and she said Roar knew him." She turned to go to the alley behind the bar. "It's strange that he just sits in the car though. Roar's home. Do you know who it is?"
"Ja." He looked ahead at Dag opening the gate, highly aware she'd ignored everything he'd said about not moving. "Nobody important."
In the alley, she parked in her usual spot. They got out of the car without talking about the change in their plans. He joined her at the door and put his arm around her, kissing the side of her head.
"We'll talk more when we get home." He walked her inside.
He wanted to get to the bottom of what was bothering her. How could he fix the problem if she refused to tell him what she wanted?
Tyr played in the corner of the room and hadn't noticed them until Peer spoke his name. Then, his son hurried over and latched on to Coco's leg.
The first smile of the night came when she picked up Tyr, kissing his cheeks. "Were you having fun playing with Holly?"
Tyr pointed back at the toys. She jiggled him to make him giggle.
Tired of Coco putting all her happiness on other people and not on him, he pressed his hand to her lower back. "I'll grab his bag, and we can go. We're not done with our conversation."
Coco ignored him and walked away carrying Tyr. He thanked Holly, got the bag, and went outside.
At the car, Roar and Brage talked with Coco. He approached them. It was a night off for everyone, and he was surprised to see Roar here instead of at home.
"What's up?" He tossed the bag into the backseat of the car.
Roar lifted his chin and motioned him to follow. He switched places with Brage—who offered to put Tyr in the car seat for Coco.
Walking a few paces, he stopped. "Problem?"
"Elling needs you, Rune, and Marcus to go with him tonight and get the Fed off my doorstep." Roar gazed around as he continued speaking. "I got a call that Bantorus is packing another shipment, sending guns up to the Federal Chapter. I want to be on it. I've called a crew together. You'll need to keep our visitor busy for the rest of the night."
"I'm on it. Let me go home and get my bike."
"Appreciate it, brother. You can meet Elling and the others in front of the bar in forty-five minutes." Roar slapped Peer's shoulder. "Ride safe and watch your back."
He walked to the car, got in the passenger seat, and filled Coco in on the change of plans. All he could tell her was that he was needed at the club overnight.
Met with the same non-response, he damned their situation.
Placing his hand on her thigh, he caressed her bare leg with his thumb. They'd work things out. All they needed was time to hash out their differences and meet in the middle.
Then, she would understand how he'd come to the decision to stay in Portland.
Hell, if she wanted to go to Norway that bad, he could always take her there on vacation. They could stay at the Mother Chapter, see his parents, and enjoy a few weeks exploring and enjoying everything he missed back home.
But first, he needed to get the Feds off Slag's back.