Page 24 of His Road Dog
Razor straightened her and stepped back, his hands held up. "Apologies."
"Not a prob." Nicole lifted the T-shirt she held in her hand and looked at Priest. "Can I wear this?"
He dipped his chin. She slipped it over her head and pulled the hem of his American Freedom shirt over her butt and let it fall to her upper thighs. It was a shame that she covered herself. He'd still have her naked if the Tarkio members hadn't come over.
He walked to Nicole. "You can see yourselves out. If anything else comes up, let me know tonight at the clubhouse."
"Sure, Prez." Razor slapped him on the back. "Catch you later."
Once he was alone with Nicole, he took the shirt off of her. She wiggled and pressed her body against him.
"I made us each a fried egg sandwich." She kissed him. "I'm sorry for interrupting you. I thought you were standing at the door, talking to them. I was only going to wave the shirt at you to see if I could borrow it. Going through my clothes, I need to visit the laundromat in town. I've officially run out of clean clothes."
He walked her into the kitchen. Grabbing a stool next to the counter, he plopped his ass down.
"You can't be naked around the Tarkio members if I'm not around. To them, it's an open invitation to fuck you." He took a bite of his sandwich.
"That's a little extreme, don't you think?" She stood on the other side of the counter and broke off a piece of her sandwich and put it in her mouth. "The human body can be enjoyed without being violated. Being naked is freeing. It's my right to enjoy what I was given. It's not an open invitation to an orgy."
He opened his mouth to argue with her, and she held up her finger.
"Just so you know. If I knew they were inside the house, I would've put on clothes before coming out of the bedroom. I honestly thought they were outside, and you were standing at the door." She slightly lifted her brows. "I've been away from home long enough to learn how to behave around polite society. With that said, it's just reason to go crazy seeing boobs and ass."
Now, he was getting somewhere with her. He'd been with most of the women who hung around the clubhouse. They weren't shy about showing their body or having sex in front of others or with more than one man, but they were all either drunk or snorting something that took away their inhibitions.
Not one of them would parade around in front of a group of bikers stone-cold sober.
Wherever she came from, she had no inhibitions. The possibilities of finding someone open to his lifestyle, his cravings, his desires were something he never thought he'd find.
"Well, bikers aren't polite," he said.
"Okay." She reached over and stroked his arm. "I'll remember, and I am sorry. I don't want to make it awkward for anyone."
"Everyone, where you lived, is okay with nudity and sex?" He looked inside his sandwich and spotted the mustard and mayonnaise.
It was a damn-good sandwich.
She shrugged. "I guess. Sure, some of them keep to themselves and not the groups, but there's no judgment. Nudity is accepted. There's nothing better than having sunshine on my skin. Men leave women alone, and vice versa, unless sex is mutual, and then there's some banging going on."
"Northern California, right?" He'd been there many times.
While Californians tended to be ahead of the times, compared to Montana, the only women he found willing to take their clothes off worked on the stage and wanted money.
"Yeah." She smiled. "I lived there growing up. Once I turned eighteen years old, I tried to do the normal thing and went to beauty school in town—hated every second of it."
"The people in the nearest town don't accept people like me." She took another bite. "I knew that going in, so I concentrated on passing and getting my cosmetology license. Then, I stayed home and cut hair for a living, but that doesn't really work out when everyone cuts their own hair and refused to use the government's money." She laughed softly. "I ended up with a lot of food, crafts, and pot in exchange for my skills."
"But, you left." He finished his sandwich. "You're here.
She brushed crumbs from her hands and carried both plates to the sink, rinsing them off. "I've been away from home for five years. I decided one day I was going to give it an honest try to forge my own way in the world and experience a new way of life. I found out that I like traveling. There are so many things to see, and people are different in every area I've lived."
His thoughts jumped to how she thought of herself as different. He planted his elbows on the counter and watched her.
"I'll even admit, I like the conveniences I have away from home. Everything is easier. The only thing I've found to be hard is people. I don't fit in with large groups, but I have met some wonderful people, who I call friends," she said.
"How old are you?"