Page 83 of His Road Dog
"You want me?"
Her throat tightened. "You know, I do."
"Crawl to me."
Her heart raced. Sometimes, he asked things of her that were uncomfortable. Until they weren't.
It was the unknown that kept her going. She trusted him to make it okay at the end. Better than okay. Sex with Priest was exciting and powerful.
He took her to a different level. A heightened level of awareness. A level she sought. A level she craved.
She used the back of the couch to guide her down to her hands and knees. The vulnerable position, knowing Priest could see her breasts hanging. Her butt in the air. Her hair tripping her progress, she slowly inched her way around the couch as she made out the floorplan of the room.
"Wrong way," he said.
She groaned and changed directions. He was in front of the window. Unless he was standing in the entryway. Blind to the room, just when she thought she could make sense of the area, she felt turned around when his deep voice spoke to her.
Crawling forward, she waited for Priest to tell her she headed in the right direction. His silence encouraged her to keep going. Stretching her arm out and swiping the air, she crawled.
"This isn't fair," she muttered. "You can see me. I can't see you."
"Fight for it."
Pressing her lips together, she shifted, moving in the direction of his voice. She crawled three steps before her hand connected with an immovable object. Using her fingers, she felt the wooden leg of what she guessed was the end table. Which one? There were two.
She swept her arm out, finding the couch on the left. Getting her bearings, she crawled around the piece of furniture.
"Good, babe."
His voice came from right in front of her. Knowing there wasn't any furniture until she reached the other side of the room and there were two chairs in front of the big windows, she cautiously moved forward.
The wood floor in the living room was a cruel punishment on her knees. She couldn't make any more mistakes.
"Say something," she said.
Her breathing filled the room. Her heart pounded. He wouldn't leave her, would he?"
"Michael?" she whispered.
"Stand up." His voice came from behind her.
She pushed to her feet, reaching out around her, hoping to come into contact with him. She pivoted, moving in a circle.
"Where are you?" She reached for the blindfold.
A sharp slap came to her bottom. She squeaked in surprise, rubbing her butt.
"That's not fair." She panted.
"What's fair?" His voice sounded closer. "This?"
His hand rubbed the inside of her thigh, stopping before coming in contact with her pussy. Her nipples hardened at the soft caress.
Wanting him to touch her again, she kept her hands down.