Page 18 of June 7
Logically, she understood the danger was over. But he could tell that she was wound up. Tonight, alone, wasn't going to be easy for her.
"I'll be home all night. If you need anything, all you have to do is knock on the wall or yell. I'll hear you." He stepped toward the door, intending to give her time with her friend without him hovering nearby. "You have my number."
Daisy rushed to him and grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving. "Thank you. For everything. I don't know how I would've handled everything without your help."
"It's nothing." He lowered his voice. "If you need company later, I can crash on your couch for the night."
"I-I'll be okay." She stretched to her toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, Bane."
He dipped his chin and walked out of her side of the duplex. Needing a cigarette, he lit a smoke and leaned against the seat of his Harley while he enjoyed the crisp night air. Today had not turned out like he thought it would.
The club needed him, and he was pulled away. Tomorrow, he'd need to chip in and do his part to assemble the shop. It was almost time to open for business.
He finished his cigarette and then grabbed his duffle. His stomach growled. He'd skipped lunch and dinner to help Daisy clean up the duplex.
Right now, the cookies she'd made him were sounding pretty damn good.
Chapter Eight
Daisy unlocked the door leading out to the pool. The kids rushed past her.
"Walk." She blew her whistle. "Don't run."
The jubilance of youth had the kids jumping feet first into the shallow end for the day's first lesson. While the pool was heated to eighty-two degrees. By the afternoon, when the sun shone through the glass, it would rise to eighty-four degrees.
The first swim lessons of the day started with the six to eight-year-olds. Most of them knew how to swim a few feet. They only needed more time in the water and to practice what they'd learned since starting lessons when they were younger.
Tara strolled in with a smile until her gaze met Daisy. Then, she hurried over.
"I'm so sorry to hear what happened at your place." Tara hugged her. "You're so lucky you weren't home when the break-in occurred."
"I know, right?" She pulled back. "I have to admit it was hard to sleep last night. Every time the wind blew, I woke up and listened, expecting the door to crash open and the intruder to come back."
"I bet. I would've been a basket case. It doesn't help that you live right on the beach. It's loud twenty-four/seven there." Tara watched the children. "Is there anything you need or anything I can do for you?"
"No, but thanks." Daisy stepped back into the office to let the lessons start.