Page 76 of June 7
Chapter Twenty Nine
Dio linked his hands together under the window of the pool house. Bane put his boot in his MC brother's hands and hoisted himself up the outer wall until he could get his hands on the window's ledge.
He was a big guy at six feet four inches and tipped the scale at two hundred and thirty pounds. But even his size wouldn't get him up to the window.
"Jump down. I'll get the ladder at the shop." Dio ran down the sidewalk without waiting for a reply.
Frustrated, Bane dropped to the sidewalk. He had a bad feeling.
Daisy never called him after locking the front door of the pool house. She wouldn't have forgotten. Over the past weeks, they'd worked together to keep her safe. She took his rules seriously, knowing it was for her own good.
A scream came from beyond the open window. Every cell in his body tensed. Daisy was supposed to be the only one inside.
He ran down the sidewalk, trying to see a way up the concrete wall to the glass enclosure. It was at least twelve feet high. Even if he jumped, he wouldn't get a handhold on the wall to propel himself up.
He ran up the sidewalk, taking the stairs. At the front door of the pool house, he rammed his shoulder against the steel doors. They never even budged. The doors opened outward. He could throw his body at them all day long and get nowhere.
His heart pounded. Even being separated from Daisy for five minutes left him vulnerable. She meant everything to him. If anything happened to her, he'd never forgive himself.
Raking his hands through his hair, he had no option but to wait for Dio.
He returned to the sidewalk. The silence made him wonder if he'd imagined a scream. He grabbed the back of his neck. No, it was a woman's scream.
Dio burst out of the shop's front door with Jagger, Maverick, and Cord following. Bane motioned them to hurry.
As soon as the bottom of the ladder hit the sidewalk, Bane climbed the rungs to the window. Going headfirst through the tight enclosure, he was glad the window opened with the pane above the opening.
He squeezed his shoulder through the space and heaved himself up until he hung by his waist. Stretching his arms, he grabbed the top of the lockers, wiggling his lower half the rest of the way through the open window. He crashed into the metal locker and landed on his knees on the concrete floor.
Wanting desperately to find Daisy, he hated running back through the locker room to the front door. Still, he needed the help of his MC brothers. He needed every fucking possible way to save her.
He turned the lock, pushed open the door, and kicked the doorstop down.
Still not hearing anything but the hum of the filtration system from underneath the building, he ran through the office and out to the pool.
Splashing drew his attention to the other side. Going to the edge, he quickly sensed two people underneath the water.
Thank fuck for Daisy's red suit separating her from the arms and legs floundering. He jumped in the water, having no time to remove any of his clothes or boots. The force of breaking the surface glided him halfway across the pool.
Knowing he'd need air, he swam with his head up, trying to understand what was happening. Daisy popped out of the water and disappeared back underneath the surface. The stark terror on her face started a fire in him. He dove under the water, using his legs, arms, and strength.
The two people in front of him moved. The light source from the pool flashed in his eyes before bodies blocked the beam, letting him see. All he could do was grab at the dark clothes, knowing Daisy had on the red swimsuit.
A solid object smacked into the side of his head. Not wanting to swing out in case he hit Daisy, he used his fingers to feel what was in front of him.
A hand covered his face. Fingers gouged his eyes. Using both hands, he followed the arm to a body and finally a face and wrapped his hand around the front of the person's neck. Kicking frantically, he pushed the person down.
The light hit just right and played over the man's distorted expression.
Beside him, something large hit the water, sinking to the right of him. Another body landed on the left. Struggling for air, he let go and found the man he'd held lowered to the bottom of the pool.