Page 46 of August 20
Gasping, she failed to catch her breath. It was her one chance to run. She could've driven straight to the school, excused Skye from class, and left Maverick.
She could've stolen Skye from her father.
She could've gained her freedom.
Her hands fell to her lap, and she sagged against the seat. If she had escaped, Skye would never see her dad again. They'd need to go into hiding for the rest of their lives. She'd have to lie to her niece every day.
She closed her burning eyes. Thinking of her childhood, she would've hated anyone who denied her a parent. Deep down in her heart, she knew that if her grandma could've changed her life and given Brooke a mom who loved her and would never leave and a father who would carry her up on his shoulders and kiss her goodnight, she would've done it in a heartbeat. Because that's what family does for each other.
For how much she had loved and respected her grandma for all she'd done, she still wanted parents. Not having them had left her with baggage. Skye would have her own baggage from what she'd lived through, but Brooke would make sure she knew her aunt loved her more than life.
She opened her eyes, blinking away the unshed tears, and exhaled harshly. Two bikers at the end of the line of motorcycles watched her. Calmness swept over her. She decided to stay.
She'd stay for Skye, who deserved this time with her dad.
Getting out of the car, she opened the back door and retrieved Maverick's duffle. With her head held high, she returned to the clubhouse.
Physically, Maverick hadn't hurt her over the last several months. He'd scared her. He'd threatened her. He'd traumatized her. He'd mentally exhausted her. He'd kept her from living her life.
But he hadn't killed her. She was still here, fighting for Skye.
She was stronger than before he held her hostage, even with her freedom taken away.
Any doubt she'd had before the kidnapping that she couldn't love Skye enough because she was only her aunt was gone. She was confident in raising her niece as her own.
Mama bears had nothing on her. She was a fucking honey badger.
She stormed past the bikers, staring at her, and walked into the clubhouse, knowing Maverick could no longer scare her.
She wasn't powerless.
The way Maverick watched and touched her, she understood exactly how he felt toward her. She wasn't delusional. He thought with his dick, and if needed, she could use that against him.
Maverick's gaze narrowed the closer she got to him. She stopped within touching distance and dropped his duffle at his feet in a grand show of obedience. She'd done what he asked and hadn't tried to run away.
He could verify exactly what she'd done outside with all his biker buddies who seemed to do his dirty work.
She couldn't tell if he was surprised that she'd obeyed because he unzipped the bag and pulled out a familiar black and white swimsuit.
He pointed behind him. "Put it on."
Her head swiveled, looking down the hallway to where he pointed. "No."
She would do many things to prove Skye was her number one priority. If he wanted to go toe to toe to see who the best person in Skye's life was, she would win.
But, she wouldn't parade around a clubhouse full of bikers naked—or almost naked. Swimsuits never covered much.
"We're going swimming." Maverick cleared his throat.
She tilted her head, trying to figure out what he was doing. What were his reasons for thinking she wanted to swim?
"Pool." He rubbed the front of his neck. "Next door."
She'd seen the sign on their way to the clubhouse. "Why?"
He coughed harshly. She waited for him to explain. A lot of the time, he wouldn't speak right away once he started coughing. It was as if too much talking pained him, so he thought of the shortest way to get his point across.
Finally, he looked at her again. "You need a break."