Page 37 of May 11
Thinking of her out there by herself with no protection was worse than facing the danger with him by her side. He could protect her.
Cora sat across from him. "I want to believe you."
"I won't involve the police, Cora." His voice remained firm, leaving no room for argument.
"But Wire..." Her voice shook. "What if... what if it comes to that? Wouldn't it be wiser to go to the police? What if we have no other choice?"
He leaned back in his chair. His gaze never left her. "Then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But until then, we handle this our way."
Wire sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Half the men in Havlin are felons, Cora. They've had enough police in their life. They'd rather handle the problem themselves."
"You're scaring me," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Wire reached out, gently taking her hand in his. The last thing he wanted was to lose her. But she deserved more than living in fear.
"If you don't trust me. If you don't feel safe with me, I'll immediately escort you out of Seaglass Cove. I'll guard you until you're out of the state and ensure you get where you're going safely," he said.
Cora shook her head, her eyes meeting his. "I don't want to leave you."
The tone of her conviction surprised him. She was only supposed to be around for the summer. But as Wire looked at her, he knew he'd never be able to let her go.
Chapter Fifteen
ON SATURDAY, CORA STAYED at the clubhouse with Brooke and Daisy. At the same time, Wire rode out with the other members of Havlin. She couldn't shake off the feeling Wire brought her here because of the danger brewing outside.
An unknown danger. But she was sure he was in the middle of it.
She felt responsible. Would he even be involved if she hadn't witnessed the shooting and now had a man threatening her? It was as if the danger had shifted, becoming more personal and immediate.
"What do the Havlin members do?" she asked.
Brooke dipped a mushroom into the ranch dip in the middle of the table. "What do you mean? Like, what do they do to earn money?"
Brooke pointed to the back of the room. "Maverick works in the Havlin Motorcycle Parts shop attached to the clubhouse."
"Bane's the club's vice president and works at the shop, too." Daisy leaned forward. "But there are lots of members who work regular jobs, like Wire."
"That makes sense." She'd forgotten about the parts shop. Any time they came to the clubhouse, they entered through the back, skipping the shop altogether.
As far as she knew, she couldn't remember Wire mentioning if he worked there, too. He spent his days making house calls to people's houses, fixing their wiring problems, and hooking up wiring in new construction. "I wonder when they'll get back."
"Bane mentioned two o'clock." Daisy looked at her phone. "It's one already, so it shouldn't be too long."
Getting fidgety, Cora picked up a baby carrot from the veggie tray in the center of the table and munched it. Daisy had brought the food, and they'd snacked to pass the time.
Brooke's niece brought a large cat to the group and sat the animal at the table. Brooke quickly grabbed the cat and put it on the floor.
"We don't want her in the food." Brooke shooed the cat. "Or all her hair. Gross."
Skye leaned close to Brooke. "I think Mama Cat is pregnant.
Brooke shook her head. "No. Whatever you're thinking, the answer is no."
"Please, Aunt Brooke." Skye clasped her hands in front of her. "I'll take care of her."
"No." Brooke shooed Skye away. "Go play while you can. Your dad will return soon, and we'll go home."