Page 84 of May 11
His wife.
She unfolded a pair of black leggings and stepped into the pants, pulling them up one leg at a time. If he had his way, they'd ride home and forget about the celebration.
"I can't believe how beautiful the girls made the clubhouse." She picked up a black t-shirt with a plunging neckline and slipped it over her head, pulling the material over her breasts.
She'd gone from pure innocence to his ol' lady in the span of thirty seconds.
"Wasn't that nice of Dania to close Whale's Tail early so she could be my witness at the courthouse?" Cora slipped her feet into her shoes.
"Yep." He titled his head, taking in all her curves.
She was beautiful in the wedding dress, but the flowing material hid too much of her. He liked it when her clothes were tight, and he could see her whole body.
"I think it went perfect with Dania and Jagger standing by us as we got married." She stepped in front of him and threw her arms around him, leaning her head back to see him. "I don't think I could've waited until April to marry you."
"March first." He kissed her. "An easy date to remember."
"I love you."
"Love you, too." He kissed her again. "Now, let's get out there so we can get the party over with and I can have you to myself again."
She hesitated. "I wish Ruger would've come."
He grunted. Her brother had only shown up once in the last six months, and that was when he and Cora had returned from California after taking the Sprinter van down to her parents' estate.
Previously, Cora had contacted him to let him know she was going to throw her parents' ashes in the ocean and set them free. Ruger never returned her call.
But as they'd turned away from spreading the ashes, both of them had spotted a biker standing on the dune watching them. Going by the size, they both knew it was Ruger.
He'd taken off before they reached the spot where he had stood. That small sign had given Cora hope that her brother still cared and would return to her.
Wire had no idea what went through his MC brother's head. Part of him hoped Cora's brother would never return because all he brought with him was heartache. The other part of him wanted to drag Ruger to Seaglass Cove and demand he make it right with Cora.
Wire wasn't so sure that would happen. Men like Ruger never settled. He was a loner and needed no one.
Music filtered into the room. He was getting thirsty.
"We better go out there." She smiled at him. "I'm so glad you thought of bringing the Sprinter Van over and parking it behind the clubhouse for us to stay in tonight."
He planned to celebrate his marriage and that meant he couldn't ride home with Cora on the back of his Harley. Staying overnight in one of the spare bedrooms in the clubhouse wasn't the way to spend his wedding night.
They both had grown to enjoy the coziness of the van. It would provide the perfect spot to fall into bed when they were done partying.
He led her out into the main room of the clubhouse to the sound of Freebird. The place was packed. A sea of leather filled the room with heavy smoke in the air.
Cora bounced beside him to the music with her hand in the air. Her smiling face showed her joy. She made him feel young again.
Brooke and Daisy had asked what kind of music he and Cora would want at the party. All he had to do was list all the music she had programmed in her vehicles.
Jagger passed him a bottle of whiskey. He tipped it back.
Cora danced in front of him, holding his hand. He wasn't a dancer and took that time to enjoy her bouncing and grooving against him. To him, life couldn't get any sweeter with his woman tied to him for the rest of his life, his club surrounding him, and nothing to think about except what he'd do when he got Cora alone and he settled between her legs.
Some of the women came up and hugged Cora while giving him smiles of congratulations. He whistled to get Dio's attention and motioned for him to get Cora a drink. She couldn't keep on dancing without getting thirsty.
Over the last couple months, she'd learned to like beer. He couldn't even remember what it was like when he was twenty one, but he enjoyed sharing Cora's life with her as she had many first-hand experiences.