Page 30 of April 5
Jagger was an arm's length away from Katrina. He wouldn't let her father raise a hand at her.
At one time, he trusted his friend with his life. But he came out of prison a hardened man. He had no idea what Ruger would do.
Katrina lifted her chin and met her dad's gaze. "I'd pick Jagger over myself.
"Kat." Jagger stepped up to her.
She reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him from interrupting. "I'm always losing everyone, and now I lost a woman who was like a mother to me." She glanced at Jagger. "He's lost his mom." She inhaled deeply and looked back at her dad. "I. Will. Not. Leave. Him."
Ruger never budged or spoke.
Instead, Katrina walked away. She went straight to the clubhouse, never looking back.
Ruger watched his daughter.
Jagger watched his MC brother. The history between them went back twenty-five years. At the top of their bylaws, they pledged loyalty, respect, and integrity. Family came first. Ruger trusted Jagger as Katrina's guardian while he was imprisoned. The bylaws were made to protect Katrina. The same laws were there to keep Jagger from touching or falling in love with her.
He took out his cell and tossed it to Ruger. A part of him was relieved it was over. He'd do anything for Ruger. He owed his MC brother that much and more. But he couldn't stop loving Katrina.
"What's this for?" Ruger held the phone.
"Make the call to Hatchet. He'll need to meet with Bane about stepping into the president's seat." He shrugged out of his vest and tossed it to Ruger. "I'm tired of putting Katrina through hell because I broke the bylaws. Kill me. Strip the dragon from my skin. Rip off my patch. Do whatever the fuck you want to do, Ruger. It's your call."
"You stole my daughter."
He shook his head. "I loved your daughter."
Jagger walked into the clubhouse without his vest—he might as well have been naked. With each step, he expected a bullet in his back. When the door closed behind him, and he was still alive, he went straight to his room.
Katrina sat on the edge of the bed and gasped at the sight of him. "What did he do?"
"Then, what did you do?" she whispered. "Where's your vest?"
"I gave everything up."
Katrina stood. "Why?"
"Because I'm not giving up on you." He framed her face with his hands. "I would do anything for you, Kat. I knew the consequences. I tried to save you the pain of loving me, but I should've known you wouldn't stay away." He swallowed hard. "You're my heart."
Katrina lunged, wrapping herself around him. He held her tight, emotionally spent.
He always thought a day would come when Ruger would look at his daughter and realize that she needed to live her own life and find her happiness. When that day came, he would be there to love her without hiding his feelings toward her. But Ruger only got more stubborn as time passed.
"You've lived the lifestyle, Kat," he whispered. "You know what happens next."
"I won't let him kill you." She held on to his t-shirt. "I'll talk to him."
"It's in his hands." He kissed her softly on the lips. "I knew what I was doing and wouldn't change anything."
He kissed her harder, needing to squeeze in as much time with her as possible. It wouldn't take long for Ruger to place the call and the process for punishment to start. In all his time as a member of Havlin and as acting President of Seaglass Cove, he'd only witnessed one member get punished.
That member fucked a brother's old lady.
He was now buried in the ground.