Page 12 of July 27
He walked to the back of the shop, opened the door, and yelled for Dio. He'd need his MC brother to watch the shop while he took Rachel home.
He returned to Rachel. "Have you eaten?"
She frowned and then shook her head. "I was in a hurry to see you."
Jagger entered the shop. "I've got Dio doing something else for me. I'll cover for you."
He dipped his chin in thanks, grabbed Rachel's hand, and led her out the door. "I need to get my Harley."
He jogged around the building, got on his motorcycle, and drove around the clubhouse to the street. He handed her the extra helmet he had kept on the bike in case Katrina ever had an emergency and needed to ride. Once she had the protection on her head, he held out his hand and helped her climb behind him.
She never questioned where they were going. She followed his instructions and held on to the sides of his vest where the braided leather straps hung as if she'd done it a hundred times before.
He rode straight to Burger King and ordered them a meal in the drive-thru. Giving her the sack, he put the tray with their drinks between his legs for the short ride around the building to the back of the lot, where he got off the motorcycle and led her to the picnic tables.
There was no one there. Tourists usually ate on the beach or stayed inside the restaurant. The locals would take their meals home to enjoy and avoid the people who invaded every establishment in town during the season.
Rachel sat beside him instead of across from him. He ate half his burger before she spoke.
"Can I stay with you?" She put her hamburger on the wrapper that was spread out in front of her. "I could find a job and give you money—"
Rachel stared at her food. He understood how she could view him as someone who would help her. He'd rescued her from Los Li. But he wasn't the type of man to take care of anyone.
"Eat up," he reminded her.
"I'm not hungry anymore," she mumbled.
He finished his meal, including all the fries at the bottom of the sack. When he drank the pop until only the ice remained in his cup, he looked at Rachel. She'd barely touched her food.
"If you're done, I'll take you back." He stood. "Can you give me directions to where you're staying?"
She nodded. He threw their garbage away and wrapped up her uneaten burger, putting it in his vest pocket.
On the road, he headed toward Offshore. Once he rode into the city limits, he shouted for directions. Rachel pointed each time he needed to turn. He arrived at a run-down two-story apartment complex on the south side of town.
The unlit sign rented rooms out by the hour. His lip curled. It wasn't the kind of place he'd put any woman who lived alone. It wasn't safe. There were too many people running around. Anything could happen.
He stopped the Harley and patted her leg, signaling her to get off. Once she stood beside him, he exited the bike.
Rachel led him to her ground-floor apartment. Another bad idea on Shady's part. Anyone could walk in or break-in.
She paused at the threshold of door Eleven, her hesitation unmistakable. He stayed back, not surrendering to her silent plea to stay with him. She had to go. There was no way he could take care of her any longer.
Lifting her gaze, she locked eyes with him. "Corbin never gave me a key."
He suspected she lied to avoid staying in the apartment. "You hotwired a car. You can get into a locked apartment."
"I thought you'd let me stay." Her frown deepened, and she shook her head. "I locked the door on my way out."
Losing patience, he drew his pocketknife, flipped open the slim blade, and worked it between the door and the frame until he felt the lock. He turned the handle to the right, applied pressure to the blade, and the lock gave way with a click. He pushed the door open.
The tendons stood out on her neck. He looked away. It wouldn't be good for either of them if he kept riding to her rescue. She needed to learn how to cope with life on her own. He was no better than the men who'd kidnapped her. It was something she'd be smart to learn.
He investigated the dark apartment. There was nothing but a full garbage sack spilling clothes onto the floor. She was here by herself with no way to protect herself.
"Go inside. I'll come back in a couple of hours with a phone. You can use it if you need help." He patted her ass, moving her in the right direction. "Lock the door."