Page 20 of July 27
She exhaled loudly and slid off the Harley. He lifted his leg off the bike, gathered her hand, and walked with her to her apartment.
He couldn't keep her with him. She needed to gain her feet underneath her and go back to the life she was accustomed to living. Hanging around him wasn't going to get her anything but a delay in healing.
Having spent a good chunk of his life in prison, he knew how important it was for her to push through the hardships. Someday, she'd look back and know she, and she alone, had gained the strength to survive.
His boots thunked against the concrete sidewalk. Her hand squeezed his hand. Whether on reflex or to reassure her, he held her tighter and walked slower, giving her the time she needed with him.
Outside the apartment, he stopped. Rachel stepped in front of him and leaned forward, resting her forehead against his chest. He tilted his head back, looked at the night sky, and inhaled deeply. There was something so innocent and pure about Rachel despite her background, being related to Shady, and knowing how he grew up.
Maybe because he couldn't be there for Katrina, he had difficulty letting Rachel go. He was tempted to stay one more night with her to give her that security. To chase the nightmares away.
His gut tightened. He wanted nothing more than to hold her again.
But she wasn't the type of woman he could use for a night of comfort.
She deserved better than him. Not someone who would eventually disappoint her.
He lowered his head, kissed the top of her head, and pushed her away from him. "Go inside."
She stepped away from him, looking him in the eyes, and reached blindly behind her. The door swung open. His gut tightened, and he pulled her behind him. The door wasn't locked. It wasn't even latched. The door had opened when her arm touched the wood, not the handle.
He pulled his pistol from underneath his belt and whispered, "Did you lock the door?"
"Y-yes. Corbin finally gave me a key. It's in my pocket." Rachel grabbed onto the back of his vest. "I need to find Knight."
He couldn't leave her out here alone and unprotected, and he needed to check the apartment in case whoever broke in was still inside. Reaching behind him, he squeezed her hand where she clung to him. "Hold on. Stay behind me. Do not get in front of me."
His body was big enough to shield her from any harm coming toward him.
While the men who'd kidnapped Rachel and captured him were dead, the Mexican mafia was a large organization in Mexico and the states. He had no idea why Los Li was after Rachel besides as a payback to Shady. For all he knew, Los Li could come back looking for her. No doubt, by now, someone had heard that he'd killed four Los Li members.
He stepped inside, hyperaware of Rachel behind him, following each step. A light from the bedroom off the main living area propelled him forward. The apartment only had one room and one bathroom he had to clear.
Making sure Rachel stayed out of sight, he moved forward and led his way to the bathroom with his pistol. He flipped on the light, looking in the tub before moving to the bedroom. He scanned the sparse room. There was only a mattress on the floor. Nothing else for someone to hide behind.
He lowered his arm, keeping the gun in his hand. Whoever broke in was now gone.
Rachel let go of him, falling to her hands and knees. "Here, kitty-kitty."
He looped his arm around her waist, lifting her to her feet. "Don't worry about her."
"Him. Knights a boy. I need to find him." Rachel pushed away from him. "He's probably scared."
He moved to the front door, letting Rachel search for her cat while he texted Jagger. For now, he'd take Rachel back to the clubhouse. She couldn't stay here.
"Knight," sang Rachel. "Here, Kitty."
Her voice broke in her frantic search. He stepped outside and looked around the wall of the apartment. If the cat got out, he could be anywhere. Probably hiding under a nearby bush or underneath a car.
Jagger texted back, giving the okay to bring Rachel back to the clubhouse. He stepped inside the apartment.
Rachel slammed the cabinet door closed under the sink. "I can't find him."
"Don't worry about—"
"Excuse me?" She snapped her gaze toward him. Her wild eyes filled with panic. She opened her mouth.
He raised his hand, stopping her from saying more. "I'll look for the cat. While I do that, grab your stuff."