Page 65 of July 27
"I'll see you tonight." He disconnected the call.
As long as she was with Katrina, she'd be fine.
He put his helmet on, started the Harley, and pulled away from the gym. Men like Shady, who were always scrambling for a way to make a quick buck, often hung around places that crossed the law.
He'd hit up the casino before heading home.
Chapter Thirty
Dio, Rush, Link, and Maverick pulled into the lot behind the clubhouse. Ruger followed, backing the Harley up to the brick wall. Now that they no longer had to deal with the dirty money, the hours running security crawled by with each shift.
Three weeks had passed since he'd ended the search for Shady, and there was still no word about Rachel's brother. It was as if he'd disappeared completely.
He feared what Rachel would do if she found out Los Li had killed Shady. It would set her recovery back when she was finally getting through each night without a nightmare.
Jagger stepped out of the clubhouse. "Where's Wire?"
He shook his head. He hadn't seen his brother-in-law all day.
"Last I heard, he was out on an emergency electrical problem." Cord slung his duffle over his shoulder. "He called me earlier to take his spot on the crew."
Jagger headed toward the club's pickup. "We need to find him now. Cora's having pains and needs a ride to the hospital. I'll go over and pick her up. Someone find Wire—"
"I'll take care of her." Jagger tossed his helmet toward his motorcycle.
Jagger tossed him the keys. "Keep me updated. I'll ride out and look for Wire."
As he jumped in the truck and took off, he called Rachel and informed her he'd be late. It was a short ride to Wire and Cora's place. All the lights were on in the house. He pulled to a stop and jogged up the path.
The door was locked.
He banged. "Cora? It's Ruger."
Several minutes later, the door opened. Cora bent at the waist and reached out for him. He put his arm around her, keeping her on her feet.
"The baby's coming." Cora hugged her stomach as if she tried to keep the baby from coming out. "I can feel—"
"Fuck." He picked her up and stormed out of the house without shutting the door. "Just hang on."
"I need the bag. The baby bag." She clamped down on his shoulder. "I need...Wire."
"We're trying to find him." He put her in the passenger side of the truck. "He didn't give you an address of where he'd be?"
She shook her head and grunted. "He called from the clubhouse and said one of his regular customers had an emergency. Sparks were coming from their electrical panel or something." She panted. "God, this hurts."
He wouldn't tell her that having a baby was the most challenging thing she'd ever experience. Instead, he went around the truck and slipped behind the steering wheel.
A deep guttural sound erupted from the seat beside him. He frowned, putting the truck in reverse and driving out of the driveway. Cora was in more pain than he remembered Katrina's mother going through.
"I c-can't have the baby yet." She threw her head back against the seat. "It's too early."
The tires squealed against the pavement. The hospital was fifteen minutes away.
He knew Cora and Katrina were two weeks apart on their due date but thought Katrina was due first. He clenched his teeth, having no idea if it was too early or not to have a baby.
"Hang on." He sped through the streets. "I'll get you to the hospital."
Cora reached over and gripped his arm, squeezing tight as another contraction hit her. Once she got over the worst part, he gave her his hand and held on.