Page 75 of July 27
She looked up, searching for Ruger at the edge of the room with the other Havlin members, and found him looking at her. Her cheeks flushed with warmth. There was no doubt he loved her.
Jagger walked out of the clubhouse. Ruger started his Harley.
Around him, the air vibrated with the rumble of fifty other Havlin members idling and waiting for their president. He patted Rachel's leg. It wouldn't be long now.
Jagger walked over to Bane and handed him a package of cash. Ruger looked at Katrina in the car, talking with Cora in the passenger seat. The two women would drive to Beaverton for the annual rally at the Mother Chapter because the two babies in the backseat couldn't be away from their mamas yet.
Ruger's chest swelled. He hadn't participated in any club events since he went to prison. But this year was different.
Havlin members weren't allowed to bring bitches to the rally. Only ol' ladies were welcome.
Rachel leaned against his back, holding on to the leather strips of his vest. She squirmed in anticipation of the ride. It'd be the longest one she participated in as his woman.
Jagger stepped around Bane's motorcycle, stopped beside Ruger, and stuck his hand up. Ruger clasped his hand and met his gaze. Unspoken words passed between them. The significance of today was not lost on Jagger. He understood the ride meant more to him than the original ride when he joined the club.
He was coming back home. No longer riding alone.
And this time, he had a woman on the back of his Harley.
"I want you as our tail gunner, brother." Jagger looked down the row of riders and back to Ruger. "I trust you the most."
Before his incarceration, he'd had the job of tail gunner. He rode behind every member, ensuring no enemy could approach them from behind. He was the only one who stood between Havlin members and death.
Ruger dipped his chin. "Hey, before we get to Beaverton, I want you to know Katrina mentioned you'd be bringing back Mama Sue's ashes."
Jagger looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah. She thought my mom would like to rest in Seaglass Cove, near us. She wants to sprinkle the ashes in the backyard."
"I owe that woman everything." He met Jagger's gaze. "I hope you know that."
Jagger clasped his hand in unity, stepped away, and shouted, "Line up. Let's ride."
The president of Havlin strode over to Katrina's car, stuck his head in the open window, kissed her hard, and then jogged over to his Harley. Ruger took in the smile on Katrina's face. He couldn't ask for more for his daughter.
She was happy. Happier than he had ever seen her.
The riders rode out one by one, getting in formation, with Jagger and Bane leading the group. Only a fraction of the Havlin members were going to the rally—and only twenty members had old ladies riding with them. The rest stayed behind, keeping the parts shop going and running security.
Since he rode the end position, he motioned Katrina and Cora forward. His daughter raised her brows. He winked, not knowing if she would see him. Katrina understood the position he would take for the ride.
"Why aren't we going?" asked Rachel.
He rubbed her leg. "We're riding the end of the formation."
She squeezed his waist. "I'm so excited for the ride."
He twisted on the seat and kissed her, bonking their helmets together. "Love ya, Rach."
"Love you, too."
He shifted, turned around, and put her hands back on his vest's leather straps, then pulled forward. As the Havlin Motorcycle Club weaved their way through town and got on Highway 101, he became aware of his surroundings, the openness, the freedom.
Out here, no one judged him.
He looked in his side mirror and struggled to turn away from the vision behind him. Rachel pressed her chin against the back of his shoulder, and only her eyes peeked over his body as she watched the road.
In those eyes shone peace and happiness. The fear that had always lingered behind rarely showed up when they were home or at the clubhouse.