Page 100 of Defending Casey
Sparrow Oakley pushedher sunglasses onto the top of her head and snagged her water bottle from her backpack. A few drops rolled down her chin and onto her shirt. “That was fun.”
“Sometimes, I think you’re way too into it,” Casey Jones said.
Avery nodded like one of those things you put on the dashboard of a car. Up and down and all around. She held up one finger as she chugged half her water bottle. “I love hiking. Even more so with all of you. But, seriously, Sparrow is not allowed to run point anymore.”
“I second that,” Evangeline said. “Now, let’s get some breakfast. I’m starving.” Evangeline looped her arm through Sophie’s and strolled through the parking lot toward their favorite greasy spoon.
Sparrow scanned the area, more so out of habit than anything else, but Avery seemed unusually nervous this morning, kicking Sparrow’s cop instincts into high gear. Her sights landed on Stone Bishop. She let out an audible sigh, and Casey gave her a good hip-check.
“You told Hondo and Stone to come here, didn’t you?” Sparrow diverted her gaze and glared at her longtime friend.
The rest of the group laughed.
Sparrow didn’t find it funny. She did her best to avoid Stone. Not because she didn’t like him, but because she found him utterly breathtaking. And that was the last thing she needed.
Especially since her boss, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jesse Kilmer had been acting strangely.
Not to mention, Sparrow knew the newest resident of Fool’s Gold, a man by the name of Frank Bingo, was part of the notorious criminal organization, the Renegades. Only, she couldn’t prove it.
“Hondo knows we always come here. And excuse me if my boyfriend wants to see me.” Casey winked. “Besides, Stone is a really sweet guy.”
“He’s moody as fuck,” Sparrow muttered.
“So are you,” Sophie pointed out.
Sparrow couldn’t argue that point. “You people are worse than my dad, you know that?” She did her best not to make eye contact with Stone, but that became impossible as he strolled in her direction like some kind of superhero or something. She’d dealt with Stone and Team Trojan a few times through her job as a sheriff’s deputy and knew the man was good at what he did. No doubt about that.
But Stone had a bit of a restless soul. She’d seen it before, and while she didn’t understand it, she accepted it. He couldn’t change who he was, even if he tried. He wasn’t the kind of man that would stay in Fool’s Gold.
She’d learned that lesson the hard way in the past, and it wasn’t a mistake she’d make again.
“Go on one date with him.” Evangeline lifted her finger. “What could it hurt?”
“I don’t have time. Too much is going on at work.” Sparrow sucked in a breath and smiled as Stone waved. Every time she saw him, her stomach turned to mush.
Hondo took Casey into his arms and gave her a big kiss. “Hey, babe. We’re just headed to the office.”
“Well, I’m sure glad I got to see you, even for a minute.” Casey patted her boyfriend on the chest. “I’ve got something for you in the car.”
Casey and Hondo walked away, hand in hand.
Sparrow couldn’t be happier for the couple. They were what fairy tales were made of. Soulmates. The perfect match. It had been a long time coming.
It made Sparrow’s heart swell, watching the two of them find each other again.
She swallowed as Stone stood way too close for comfort.
“Hello, ladies.” Stone’s voice reminded her of hot fudge melting ice cream. It was rich and sweet, and she could listen to it all day. “Did we have a nice hike?”
Avery rubbed her neck. “If you call having to run to keep up with Sparrow nice, then it was awesome.”
Stone laughed.
Out of the corner of Sparrow’s eye, she saw Frank Bingo step from the restaurant with a man she’d never seen before. Her gaze immediately went to the stranger’s biceps.
No tattoo.