Page 39 of Defending Casey
Pushing up on his elbow, watching her face, he moved over her. One hand slowly caressing her flesh, his palm skimming over her breast. He saw the way her lips parted, and her eyes seemed as dark as night in the confines of the bedroom.
“I love you.”
The words came freely from his heart and was answered in her soft breathy tones, only to disappear into a surprised gasp as he closed his mouth over her nipple.
The feel of it against his tongue made his heart pound and his blood pulse.
The warmth of her flesh coupled with her scent filling his lungs, made him so hard he hurt.
Together, they explored each other’s bodies, the sound of music coming from the other room and filling the air between the sighs and moans of pleasure from both of them.
Clothes fell away with eager and shaking hands.
Inhibitions faded with the rise of passion and need.
And when they were bare, both emotionally and physically, their bodies wound around each other, hearts full to bursting, he felt himself sinking inside of her.
It was a gradual movement, but impossible to stop, like breathing… like gravity.
Deeper, higher, he felt her legs cradling him, her breasts cushioning his chest, her breath feathering across his cheek and then his ear.
And then he was there.
Completely inside her.
He stopped moving and that’s when reality washed over him.
And Casey.
He heard her intake of breath. Felt the flutter of her eyelashes. “Hale?”
Oh god.
Just the sound of his name made him twitch inside of her, the slick warmth of her body tightened around him.
“Hold still, Case, please.”
Her breaths were shorter, rubbing her breasts and nipples against his chest, almost rolling his eyes back under his tightly closed lids.
“Please, baby, don’t move.”
She tried to hold still, but just the act of breathing moved her body against his in a sensual touch. The feel of his belly against hers, the weight of her calves against his lower back and the backs of his thighs, all of that skin touching skin was enough to make him ache in all the best ways.
It was so much different than just his hand on his flesh.
Having Casey under him, her body so welcoming and lush in all the right ways, brought him dangerously close to the edge.
“Case,” he pulled in a breath and tried to put a hand down on the bed to lift himself up, “I need to pull out.”
She swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, okay. I didn’t realize-”
“Yeah, me neither.” He braced his other hand by her side and dug his toes into the blanket. “Shit.”
Just that movement alone felt like heaven. He couldn’t have moved more than an inch, but he felt it like electricity down his back and he felt his cock swell, his balls drawing up tight.
Fuck. He’d never been inside a woman, but he knew what those cues meant. He knew what his body was ready to do.
He just couldn’t do it inside of her.