Page 35 of Pallas & Kawehi
Wolf paused for a moment as Arctic rarely spoke.
Then, he looked back down at the paper he held in his hand. "Jessie Dillon, country music singer."
Hoss slapped his desk with the flat of his hand. "She's great!"
Riptide gave him a high five. "Who else?"
"Saturday night, they're starting off with a Hawaiian Music Group, the... the Velasco family?"
The team looked around the room at each other. No one seemed to know the group by name.
"Then after that, they have a group called Downhome Country."
Axl looked up with some interest. "They're on the local country station all the time."
Buck looked at Axl from his seat behind Axl. "Hawaii has a country music station?"
"KHCM," Axl nodded. "It's pretty good, but I like listening to it when it's mostly music. The morning show people are kind of annoying."
Wolf cleared his throat. "Are we done?"
Axl held up his hands in the air. "Sorry, Sir."
Wolf gave him a smile. "For anyone who wants to know. KHCM is on Ninety-Seven point Five."
A soft round of laughter went through the group.
"Okay," Wolf pointed behind him at the screen, "now, let's get back to the agenda and-"
Wolf's cell phone flared to life on the desk at his side. "One second."
He picked up his phone and read the message on the screen, nodding his head.
Wolf walked away toward the door and murmured, "Pallas, continue with the announcements. I'll need a minute to make a call."
Wolf didn't wait for Pallas to agree with him, he walked out the door, flooding the room with bright sunlight for a moment before the door closed.
Pallas looked at the Smart Wall behind him and started with the next announcement. "There's a cub scout weekend event coming to the base the week-"
"Are we really just going to keep going with these announcements," Bacon leaned forward on his desk. "As if we don't know that something just hit the fan."
Riptide met Pallas' eyes before speaking. "Well, y'all are Marines. That's the sound that shit makes when it hits the fan."
Bacon flipped Riptide off and earned himself a glare from Pallas. "He's just pissin' on us because he's in the Navy."
Pallas fixed his gaze on Bacon and the other man sat back against his chair. "He's one of us in the team. I thought that was clear."
"He was until he pulled that shit."
Pallas shook his head. "He's trying to ease the tension in the room. Everyone take a breath. Now, for the cub scout event, they'll need folks willing to teach and test the boys and girls-"
Pallas saw that there were a few confused looks in the room.
"It's different now if you've been a cub scout before. They've opened the Boy Scouts of America and made it Scouting America or something like that."
Buck smiled. "You were an eagle scout. Right, Pallas?"
Pallas nodded. "You were, too."