Page 62 of Pallas & Kawehi
Pallas nodded, but before he could explain, the other man did it for him.
"Future wife, huh?" He leaned his head back toward the entrance around the corner. "She was that for me, too. I met Anna and the whole world changed."
Pallas felt that familiar ache in his chest. Before Kawehi, everything had been normal for him. Life. Work. Then he'd met her and suddenly everything was... more. Better. "Exactly. It's only been-"
"It doesn't matter if it's two months or two days, son. The feeling doesn't go away if it's the right feeling."
Laughing softly, Pallas nodded. "I have a few men on my team who say they feel like that about every woman they're with."
"Are they talking about the heart or something... below the belt."
Pallas felt his cheeks warming at the man's words. "Below."
"Well, those kinds of feelings aren't feelings. Those are hunger pangs. And I'm sure you've eaten more when you shouldn't have."
"That's happened a time or two." It didn't feel at all strange talking to a man he'd just met. "But when I think of Kawehi, it's all," he looked down and realized that he'd placed his hand over his heart.
"That's a familiar feeling. If that's where she lives, son, don't second guess it. Enjoy it. It's an adventure of a lifetime."
Kawehi stepped out, her gaze fixed on their cabin, so she didn't see him.
"'Wehi! I'm over here."
She turned and smiled at him. "Hey." She immediately started in his direction, and he got to his feet. "I waited for you."
Her smile was radiant, even in the dark of the campground. The moon above giving him enough light to see her.
"Hi," she stepped forward, her hand out to the man he'd been talking to, who was also on his feet. "I'm Kawehi Phillips."
"I'm Edward Mays. I'm waiting for my wife."
"Anna? She said you'd probably be out here." She looked at Pallas and he felt his heart swelling in his chest. "She told me that you'd probably be out here, too."
"My wife is a very astute woman." Edward gave Kawehi a wink. "She's also the most incredible woman I've ever known."
"And she said you were the most gallant and handsome man she'd ever met in her life. I'd say that the two of you are perfectly matched."
Edward gave him a hearty pat on his back. "Sounds like you've found a perfect woman for yourself, -"
"Domenico Pallas."
"Domenico Pallas," the man mused. "That's a mouthful of a name."
"His team call him Pallas."
"Smart idea." The other gentleman lowered his hand to his side. "You two have a nice time camping here. My Anna and I come every other year to the islands. It reminds us of the best times of our lives stationed here at KBAY."
Pallas saw Kawehi's smile, softening at the mention of his base, instead of the tension she'd felt when she'd first met him.
"That's where Dom... I mean, Pallas, is stationed."
Edward gave him a quick nod before speaking to Kawehi. "Call him Dom all you like, sweet lady. He's going to need someone to keep his feet pressed firmly on the ground. Sometimes on the job we can get a little... full of ourselves. We start thinking we're invincible. Supermen. It's always nice to come home to a woman who can keep us in check."
Pallas saw the confusion on Kawehi's face. He had a feeling that she was probably trying to decide if she should explain who they were to each other.
"Now you two go..." Edward swept his hand toward the cabins. "Enjoy the moonlight. You're only young once." He looked over at Pallas and gave him a quick nod. "At our age, everything is already silver before the moonlight touches it."
Pallas reached out his hand to Kawehi and she took it without any pause. "I can't argue with a superior officer."