Page 82 of Pallas & Kawehi
Those men leaned in for hugs, even Axl who stopped to ask her. "Is Maile here?"
She would have smiled if she didn't know how nervous Maile had been knowing that Axl was coming to the bowling alley. The two of them might fight like a cat and dog, but she had a feeling, after talking to Dom, that they liked each other more than anything else.
"She's working at the dining counter."
A few strange looks crossed his face before he spoke again, his gaze drifting across the open space of the alley. "Well, I guess I'll have to go over there." He turned back to look at her. "Since I'm hungry."
She nodded and felt Dom's hand give her hip a little squeeze. "Yeah. You've got to eat."
With a half-smile, Axl moved inside with a walk that looked like he was marching to his death.
"He does know that he could send someone over to get food if he wanted, right?"
Her shoulders shook with laughter, and she leaned back against him. "Oh, he knows."
Dom brushed a kiss along the side of her neck. "I think he's just trying to come up with a cover story to see your cousin."
"Would you come up with a cover story to see me?"
Dom turned her so he could look her in the eyes. "I just kept coming back here. I didn't need to hide how much I wanted to see you."
She leaned into him for another kiss.
When Dom leaned back, she felt his body stiffen a little in an awkward way. "Dutch."
Kawehi turned to look and saw a blond man with a build like the others, walking up to the steps.
She put out her hand in greeting. "Hi! I'm Kawehi, are you part of the Marine group?"
The blond man in front of her startled as if he'd walked into a glass wall.
Behind her, Dom gave a snort of laughter. He leaned in and laughed again. "That's Dutch, baby. He's part of the Air Force."
She shrugged. "So?"
Dutch may have been paler than Dom's more swarthy skin tone, but she could see the red on his cheeks. "Airmen are different than Grunts. We don't eat crayons."
She arched an eyebrow at the newcomer. "I'm guessing the crayon thing is a dig."
Dutch nodded. "It's better than talking about shi-"
"Watch it, flyboy."
Dutch held up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, Pallas. I know we're in mixed company."
She rolled her eyes. "So you're an airman from Hickam?"
"Yes, ma'am." He gestured at the men coming up behind him. "These guys are with me."
Dom reached out and shook Dutch's hand. "Just watch what you say in front of Kawehi, and we'll settle the rest of it in the lanes."
Kawehi grinned. "Ah... I sense the competition is strong with both of you."
Dutch lifted his chin at Dom. "She's smart and beautiful. Keep her around."
Dom's arm wrapped around her and gently tugged her up against his side. "I will. So keep that in mind."
Dutch shook his head. "I'm not planning on getting in trouble, just kicking your-" He cast a look at her.