Page 90 of Pallas & Kawehi
"I doubt that would work. At least now, I mean." Braids was trying to retie her bow, frowning at it as she spoke. "You know that fight your dad and my dad were having about girls being in the Boy Scouts?"
Pixie nodded her head solemnly. "Yeah?"
"I'm guessing it's like that. Some people like it just the way it is for whatever reason. And some people like to change things and see if that works." She sighed and gave up the ghost, letting the ribbon ends go. "I don't really care but I'm betting some people are going to be really unhappy."
Pallas squinted at the three in the oddly lit area of tarmac. "Are you three eighty or eight?"
Pixie looked right at him and gave him the definitive answer. "We're ten!"
"I knew it," he addressed the girls. "And you're all smart. I can tell."
Braids turned her head slightly to the side. "Right. You better not forget it." The three girls nodded before Braids spoke up again. "So, are you going to give us a tour or just stand around down here?"
Pixie looked up at the interior of the Osprey and then turned back to look at him. "One day I'm going to fly something like this."
He grinned. "As a Marine pilot?"
She shrugged. "I'll have to think about it, but I don't mind Pink Camo. What branch of the military has pink camo?"
"Uh... I don't think they do."
Pixie shrugged. "It's okay. I don't mind. I like a lot of colors. I'll be okay."
She reached up and took his hand.
As they walked inside the Osprey with a couple of adults wearing matching T-shirts with a troop number on the front, Pallas smiled. The girls were smart. Really smart. He wondered what it would be like to have a little girl. Would she be as forthright with her speech? Would she walk right up to people and ask questions?
He thought of Kawehi and then his own personality. They were both pretty reserved people as it was, but together, they were... different.
Maybe if they had a daughter, she'd have the best of both of their characters.
He hoped so.
"Mister?" He looked down near his free hand. Braids was standing there, an impish look on her face. "Think we can get a ride in this thing tonight?"
Pallas shook his head. "Sorry, we don't have a pilot available."
Braids shrugged. "Can we kick the tires?"
Behind her, Pallas thought he saw Braids' mother. She had her teeth clenched together and a nervous look about her.
"I don't think it would be good for the tires."
Pixie tugged on the hand she was holding. "It's okay, who needs tires on a plane?"
"Well, tires are very important on a plane."
Ponytail walked up until they were nearly toe-to-toe. "There aren't any roads in space."
"Or in the air." Pixie again.
Braids was starting to take her carefully braided hair apart. "So what about the wheels? My dad says that wheels don't matter when you're in the air."
He had to agree. "Sure. I get that, but when you're landing, wheels are pretty awesome to have."
The little girl shrugged then looked up at him again. "Can I sit in the pilot's chair?"