Page 4 of Risking the King
Was it Giselle?
She certainly looked just like her.
But why was she rapidly moving in the opposite direction from me?
She had to have heard me yelling her name. I did it over and over again. Calling out to her to stop.
But all she did was run faster.
To be fair, she wasn’t really moving all that quickly. Dani was a lot bigger than the last time I saw her. And since I didn’t have a two-year-old—fuck, I mean a nearly three-year-old—weighing me down, it shouldn’t take me long to catch up.
They turned another corner, but I had nearly caught up with them. Dani was still calling out for me. There was no way I was going to lose them.
I turned the corner to see—no one.
My eyes darted this way and that, looking to see where those two had disappeared.
A few seconds later, my question was answered.
Halfway up a flight of stairs—stood Dani. Jumping and trying to pull out of Giselle’s grasp. From behind, Dani had looked like a boy to me. And she was certainly dressed like a boy.
But that face.
And those eyes.
That was definitely my girl.
Had Giselle cut off Dani’s hair and dressed her like a boy as a disguise?
I didn’t have time to think about that. Giselle was doubled over nearly in half. Like she was in pain.
Was she hurt?
Had someone hurt her after she turned the corner?
Finally, Dani was able to escape, and she came running down the rickety stairs, straight into my arms at the bottom.
It was an old-style apartment building. Two floors with a walkway all around the top.
“Hi, my girl.” I bent down to pick up Dani. She didn’t slow down at all. In fact, she nearly bowled me right over.
“Dada! I love you. I missed you,” she said, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. She spoke so clearly.
So grown up.
And her boyish hairstyle made her look older, too.
“I love you, too. Let’s go find your momma. Is she okay? It looks like she’s hurt,” I asked Dani.
She shook her head, not letting go of me. “No, her just haves a tummy ache.”
Hmm. Hopefully, that was all it was. I carried Dani with me and walked up the steps.