Page 67 of Risking the King
“Oh, gosh,” I said as I dropped the wooden spoon on the floor. I turned and dashed toward the small bathroom off the living room.
I barely made it in time.
When I was finished, I flushed the toilet and sat back. I was exhausted.
“Are you okay?” Eve asked in a worried tone. She picked up a brown washcloth and ran some water over top of it.
“I was fine until I smelled the meat. I think it’s gone bad. You should chuck it out before anyone eats it.”
Eve squeezed the water out of the washcloth. Then she looked at me and grinned.
“The meat is fine, honey. I always check before I cook.”
I shook my head and accepted the warm washcloth from her. “No, it smelled horrible. It’s gone bad.”
She let out a small laugh and leaned against the counter. “I don’t think it’s the meat. It’s your sniffer.” She pointed to her nose.
“What are you talking about? Why would her nose be making her get sick?” Carlo asked, filling up the doorway with his huge body.
Eve grinned widely and looked at him. “Are you guys using birth control?”
Carlo’s mouth opened, but he didn’t say anything.
Eve laughed harder. “All right. I think we have our answer. I’ll go grab a test. I have a bunch.”
She sidestepped around Carlo.
Carlo who was standing there. Unmoving.
Just staring at me.
“Why would you smelling rotten meat mean you’re—” He pointed at me and looked at my belly.
I bit my lip and considered what Eve had just said.
Could I be pregnant?
I was just sick.
But the meat did smell horrible.
“Giselle!” He raised his voice at me, and I jumped.
“What?” I answered back and wiped my face off with the warm cloth in my hand. Gosh. Was she right?
Or maybe Eve’s nose was plugged, and she couldn’t smell how rancid the meat was.
“Honest to Christ. You need to explain this shit to me. I have no idea what’s going on.”
I sighed and leaned against the wall. “Sometimes when women are pregnant, their sense of smell is—off. It doesn’t work properly.” I shrugged and shook my head. “No, it’s more like bionic smelling. You can smell everything from a mile away. And some smells, like raw meat, can be really gross to some women.”
He swallowed and asked, “When you were carrying Dani and Marcello, were you—”
I smiled and nodded. “Sicker than a dog. Meat was the worst.” Inside, a large part of me was sad for him. Carlo had no idea about anything that had happened during my pregnancy with Marcello. He didn’t even know about Marcello until I was in labor.