Page 17 of High Society
“Let me guess – she’s pissed. I’m sure she’ll want to spill all her secrets now that you’ve made her mad.”
Asa shrugged. “She would’ve made your presence here… difficult.”
“She isn’t as obedient as the rest under your command?”
“She isn’t obedient at all. She follows me everywhere. Everywhere. Even into battle.” His eyes flicked to my gown and back to my eyes.
“Which was why your men, and Mary, weren’t surprised to see me. They even said something to the effect that I should’ve learned by now not to follow you around.” Mary didn’t blame her for it, though. She thought Asa was handsome enough to follow. “You don’t seem to hate her presence at all times,” I noted wryly.
“Oh, I do,” he promised. “But I choose to keep her close. She wants me to bite her. Do you have any idea why?”
I could feel my brows kiss. “Bite her, or turn her?”
“Both.” He stood up, the legs of his chair raking across the brightly patterned carpet, and sat on the edge of the table just beside me, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why would she want that?”
I took a moment to think. “When the vampires took over our country, it was a storm at first. But things eventually settled and people got comfortable with them being part of everyday life. Some became infatuated with them. They wanted to be like them. They wanted to be strong so nothing could hurt them, and so they could protect their families no matter what came. Others wanted immortality. They would seek out vamps and offer their blood. They would beg for the vampires to turn them.”
“Did the vampires honor their wishes?”
I shrugged a shoulder. “Sometimes. Some were turned, but most were drained of blood and their bodies left to rot.”
“Not a risk most would take,” he mused.
“The possibility of dying didn’t deter the ones who thought they had a chance to become something stronger. To them, the risk was worth it.”
Asa tried to smile. “It was the same when we were young. Nephilim were sought out by mortal women and men who wanted strong offspring, or the thrill of conquering something mighty – even if only for a night. They would throw themselves at us. The clone is doing the same, but there’s a sharpness in her eyes that belies her motive. She wants it far too much. Something larger is at stake.” His eyes flicked to my thigh where I wore my holster. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as he continued. “I want to know why she wants me to turn her so badly.”
The thought of women throwing themselves at Enoch made me sick. I’m sure Asa had enjoyed his fair share of mortal women, but I hoped Enoch hadn’t.
“You’re wondering about my brother’s past.”
I swallowed, ashamed I let him read me so well. “His past doesn’t matter.”
Asa smiled cruelly. “It doesn’t seem that way. It seems to matter a great deal to you.” He leaned his head back and stretched his neck from side to side. “Have you wondered how he spends his life between the years in which you fall?”
“No.” Yes. Of course I did. What girl wouldn’t wonder if he’d found someone else to love? Someone who could stay put and who didn’t have to keep running away?
“The way you care for my brother is troubling.”
“Troubling? Why would me loving him bother you?”
“Because I am somewhat aware of your past as well, and I’m not sure someone like you is truly capable of love. My brother, on the other hand, is.”
“How do you know anything about me?”
“As persuasive as she is, your clone is willing to do absolutely anything to be turned. I simply use that yearning to obtain information, and she has plenty about the three of you.”
This must be how Enoch felt when we showed up at his castle, ready to stab him through the chest. Like a game board had been set up and he’d been thrust into the role of opponent before he had time to consider who sat across from him. I hated that I’d put him in that position.
“Do you really intend to marry the clone?”
Asa cocked his head at me. “Absolutely not. I intend to marry you.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening.”
“No, it won’t. What will happen, is that you will pretend to be my fiancée. Someone in my company tried to kill your clone last week, and I want to know why. I returned your stakes so you can defend yourself if they try again, but you’re going to help me find the traitor amongst us.”
“So, what you’re saying is that you need my help,” I gloated.