Page 35 of When Wishes Bleed
Her hand curled away from his chest at the sound of my name.
Rose turned and gave me a half smile. “Absolutely.”
Leah waited, her hands clasped meekly in front of her. “Thank you for introducing us to your staff, Prince Tauren.”
“They are very important to me. Without them, the palace would crumble.”
Rose scrunched her nose. “That’s a bit dramatic.”
“No,” he said, “it isn’t. Things run seamlessly because of their dedication. It would be important for any queen to not only know, but appreciate those who help support us every hour of the day.”
Rose swallowed and pasted on another artificial smile.
Leah pounced. “A king is only as good as the people who lift him up.”
Tauren grinned. “Well said, Leah.”
Leah won that battle. I wondered who would ultimately win the war, and Tauren’s hand in marriage.
Mira was right. The battle would be an entertaining one to watch. The minxes’ claws had already come out.
“It’s getting late, ladies,” Tauren announced. “I’m sure your escorts are ready to relax a little.”
In the corner of the room next to Brecan stood two middle-aged women, both dressed in pastel pantsuits that matched their charges’ gowns. Neither had a hair out of place. Their posture was straight and tall, while Brecan slumped against the wall, hands in his pant pockets, watching me intently.
Rose and Leah said their goodbyes to the Prince, who kissed each of them on the back of their hand and promised to spend one-on-one time with each very soon. I thought the girls might fake a swoon, but they remained composed.
Rose paused at the doorway. “Do you want to walk with us, Sable?” she asked sweetly.
Her eyes flicked between me and Tauren, but he answered for me. “Actually, I have a question for Sable about Sector Thirteen. If you wouldn’t mind offering another moment of your time to answer, that is,” he added, bowing to me.
“I’d be happy to.”
Rose’s fake smile fell away. “Then have a good evening, Prince.”
“You too,” he threw over his shoulder, already dismissing her from his mind.
Leah and Rose whispered as they left the room. No doubt they’d spread a wildfire of rumors. By morning, the whole palace might be reduced to cinders.
“You felt nothing?” he asked.
“From those two? No. They want to be Princess, not ruin their chances by killing you.”
“Then maybe it’s not one of the invitees,” he mused.
“It wouldn’t be likely,” Brecan interjected, pushing away from the wall and walking toward us. “I’m sure you have enemies outside these walls, though. Anyone you’d like for us to seek out?”
“None that would be safe for Sable to meet with.”
“I assure you that Sable and I can handle her safety,” Brecan asserted.
“I won’t place her in harm’s way. Besides, the groups of dissenters we know of have wanted my father and me dead for years. They want to bring democracy back to the Kingdom, and aren’t shy about their desires. Their threats come weekly; sometimes we receive several a week.”
“Then who’s to say it isn’t one of them?” Brecan argued.
Fate finally showed up to the party. A bitter, horrible taste filled my mouth. “It’s someone closer...”
Tauren’s brows furrowed. “That’s what I was afraid of.”