Page 86 of When Wishes Bleed
A bewildered look washed across Tauren’s face. “What happened? I just complimented you on how comfortable you are with children.”
“Do you know how children are raised in Thirteen?”
He shook his head. “I have no idea.”
“You assume that everything that happens in this Kingdom is as it is in the Core Four. Well, it isn’t. Thirteen is vastly different, Prince. So much more different than you even realize.”
“How are children raised?” he asked. “Educate me, Sable. Don’t get angry with me because I don’t know your traditions. Teach me.”
“Children rarely know their parents. They’re raised by their Houses.”
“You don’t approve?” he surmised.
“Whether I approve or not doesn’t matter.” I wanted him to drop it.
“That’s how I felt last night when I learned you’d worked that spell.”
With one sentence, he cleaved me in two. I deserved to be split down the middle. With my actions, no matter how well intentioned, I took away any say he had in the matter.
“Does the spell work both ways?” he asked.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“If something happens to you, will my soul save your life?”
I shook my head. “I did it to protect you, Tauren. Let Fate worry about me.”
He reeled me in against his body. “I can’t do that.”
“Why?” I breathed as his nose brushed against mine.
“Because I care for you, Sable. So much.”
“Too much,” I added.
“Too much,” he agreed. “And yet, not nearly enough. Do you have any idea how –?” His words dried in his throat and his eyes searched mine, begging for permission.
In the dark, abandoned corridor, I lifted my chin and positioned my lips just shy of his. If he wanted a kiss, he would have to claim it.
And then… he did.
His hands gripped my waist and then slid around to press against the small of my back. A kiss that was tentative at first quickly became all-consuming, and for a long moment, we lost ourselves in each other.
Someone cleared their throat behind us. We parted guiltily, looking over at Doctor Kingston, who smiled behind us. “A very wise choice, Tauren.” Tauren looked to me and then opened his mouth, but Kingston was walking away. “Your secret is safe with me,” she tossed over her shoulder.
Tauren linked his pinky with mine as we followed the doctor down the stairwell, but I pulled away when the first camerawoman panned in on us as we approached the second-floor common room once again.
Rose looked uncomfortable, sitting on a bright orange couch with a small girl who was showing her how to care for her baby doll.
Leah was in deep discussion with the oldest girl in the room about a book she’d read. Estelle had found finger paints and an easel with paper and was having a blast with two young boys, and Tessa was playing cards with Wes. His eyes lit up when we entered the room.
“Did you see Belle?” he asked excitedly. I looked to Doctor Kingston.
“Belle is doing much better, Wes,” the doctor answered. “You’ll even be able to visit her later today.”
“Today?” he asked, mouth agape, swiveling his head toward me. “Did you save her, Miss Sable?”
“No, Wes. I’m afraid I didn’t, but your sister is as strong as she is brave. Fate has wonderful plans for her.”