Page 90 of When Wishes Bleed
How many times had I walked directly on top of her?
“Why don’t I remember anything?”
“You were very young.”
As a toddler, I still would have been old enough to have memories. At least I thought I would. The first memory I could recall was one of fear – of being led to the cabin behind the House of Fate and told it was my home now, and that I had to live there alone. Ethne had escorted me because my grandmother refused. I wondered if it was because whatever she saw occur in the House that day frightened her, or if she was afraid of getting close to me only to have me tear her heart to shreds like my mother had.
Brecan continued, “The pentagram in the center magnified Ela’s spell and contained her, until now – if you’re right and she’s escaped.”
“She has. I can feel it, just as I can feel that Ela’s spirit is with the Goddess.”
“Sable!” someone yelled from the palace. I jumped down from the stage and ran, knowing within my heart it was Tauren who was calling.
Please, let him be okay. Fate protect him.
We met in the yard. His eyes searched over me. “Your mother…”
“I know.”
“I was scared she’d come for you,” he admitted.
Brecan stopped alongside us, drawing Tauren’s eye. “I didn’t realize you were busy,” Tauren said, his princely manner smoothly clicking back into place. “I… I have to meet Rose for dinner.” Tauren was out of sorts.
“Did you speak with Knox?”
He nodded, and it was then that I saw the redness that had settled into the whites of his eyes. Tauren had been crying.
Brecan’s eyes pierced me, waiting for clarification, but I didn’t want to speak about his father’s failing health in front of him, or anyone for that matter.
“I would be happy to check your meal and drinks,” I offered.
“Thank you. Just don’t let Rose see you, please.”
Ouch. “Of course.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that –”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t matter. I’ll check your food and then enjoy my free time. Right, Brecan?”
I felt horrible the moment I said it, but Brecan backed me up as he always had. “Right.”
Following Tauren into the palace, I watched the way his muscles flowed beneath his tailored suit. He strode through the rooms and halls confidently, yet inside he was breaking. I knew he didn’t mean to use his dinner with Rose against me. I shouldn’t have used Brecan as ammunition against him in return.
I felt like a worm.
Tauren walked into the intimate dining room, where the table was lit by flickering candles and a trio of musicians were assembled in the corner, lightly tuning their instruments. Rose absolutely bloomed when he entered the room, rising from her chair and sticking her hand out for him to kiss. The smell of rose hips wafted through the air, not that she needed the love potion anymore. Tauren enjoyed her company.
I spelled the room, checked their meals and the wine and water glasses arranged on the table, and quickly took my leave.
Again, Brecan waited for me. I unlocked my room and he silently followed me in. “Don’t use me like that again,” he seethed once the door closed behind him.
Only one other time had I seen him so angry, which reminded me…
“How did you know I’d worked the binding spell?”
“The magic, Sable. It was so powerful, it woke me from a dead sleep and led me straight to you. I could smell it. I could taste and feel it. Even the air bent to you. Did you know that?” He stalked toward me with each proclamation, and I stepped back until my shoulder blades hit the wall and I could retreat no further.