Page 48 of Out of Bounds
“It’s open,” she shouts. Lettie tugs three suitcases from behind the couch.
“I’ll get them. You used to travel light.”
“Things change.” She shrugs.
Yes, they do. This is my opening, so I pull her into my body and within seconds, she’s climbing me like a tree. “Things do change and we need to talk about the next step.”
She sticks her bottom lip out, pretending to pout, and when I hold her gaze, she sighs, “Okay, but don’t ruin my trip. No one wants bad news before they get on an airplane for the biggest two competitions of her life.”
“Always so dramatic. I love that about you. That you say how you feel, except when it comes to me, so I’m going first.”
She just stares at me. I plop her onto one of the barstools and hold her hands. Lettie’s hair is frizzing, creating a golden halo around her face, and her mouth makes twenty different expressions as she waits for me.
“I don’t want you to be with any other guys. I won’t be with anyone either.”
“Wow, I kind of thought that was already understood since we’re best friends, but yeah, okay.”
“What if I said, I want us to be a couple?”
“I need you to be clear as glass. Are you wanting to be more than friends with benefits? Because we can probably survive it if things go sideways.”
“It won’t. We’re already sixteen years ahead of most couples. We know what annoys us about each other. Well, actually nothing annoys me now. I want to be your boyfriend. Be the guy you depend on and that makes you feel alive. Is that what you want?”
Her eyes search mine, and I realize she’s correct about actually dating. If it doesn’t work out, it will crush me. If she says no, I don’t know what I’ll do.
“I want to say yes. You know I do. I’m so fucking scared to lose you,” she says with fear evident in her eyes.
“You won’t. No matter what, I'll always be your best friend.” We’re perfect together. Always have been, only now, we’re having sex and kissing in public.
What could go wrong with a history like ours?
Leaning down, I brush back her hair off her neck and nibble on her tender skin. She moans as I gently suck while uttering, “Lettie, I’ve thought about this since last weekend. No one will ever mean as much to me as you. And I know you’ll never make the sounds for another guy that you make for me.”
Her eyes twinkle. “A little cocky, aren’t you?”
“Am I wrong?”
“Probably not.”
“Probably?” I rip my shirt from my back and then pull hers off. “I’ll show you.”
She sits defiantly with a sinful grin.
“Take your bra off.”
“You do it.”
“Don’t test me, baby.”
“If you want me, then you have to do it yourself.”
Demanding Lettie is my favorite. Our lips collide, hard and hungry. I can’t believe she’ll be gone for a month. How much I’ll miss the faint taste of strawberries on her lips or the coconut smell of her shampoo.
I didn’t get here in time to do all the things I wanted to do to her. How I want to make her forget that other men exist. Pushing her skirt up over her hips, I slip my finger through her folds. “Has any man made you wet like me?”
Her eyes dilate, and her lids are already hooded as I push down her sexy little boy shorts that show off the round crescents of her ass. Her hands fly to my jeans and unbutton them. She strokes me a few times through the fabric before she fumbles to push my pants down.
“Baby, you’re so damned sexy.”