Page 65 of Out of Bounds
Lettie mumbles under her breath. “I don’t deserve you. We’re so different.”
“I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you,” I argue with a suctioning pull on her nipple covered by the lace bra.
My dick is so hard, but I keep the torturous pace and finally have her naked. Her long, full legs lay straight on the bed. I don’t widen them. Instead, I massage her muscles, then place a wet kiss where my hands once were. Arching slightly, wanting more of me, a sexy dick-erecting moan falls from her lips.
“Baby, I want to celebrate you, all of you. Your thighs that clamp around me. The mathematical clock in your brain that knows how fast to go on the course. Your beautiful voice. Your green eyes. Your luscious lips wrapped around me. All of it. But tonight, I want you to know, with one hundred percent certainty, that you… you’re all I’ll ever need.”
My lips skim the surface of her skin until they land on her lips. I cuddle them over and over in mine. For the next few hours, we take our time making love. It’s not X-rated. It’s just two people in sync who care more about truly feeling loved and appreciated than the next orgasm.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve given her plenty tonight, but there haven’t been explosions. More like sparklers where they ignite for a few seconds, then roll into the next one. When her incredible body moves over mine, my dick twitches inside of her, and she peels our sticky skin apart and withdraws me, using her hand as I come. She uses her finger, writing something with my cum.
“What are you writing?”
“I was drawing a heart around our initials.” She hops off the bed, grabs her phone, and takes a photo of my torso, then shows it to me.
She erases any memory of other girls I’ve been with, always surprising me with her spontaneity.
“I wish it was engraved on my skin.”
I didn’t expect a parade when I returned to campus, but I also didn’t expect the cold shoulder from my teammates. After I unpack and run downstairs with my laundry bag, a few of the guys are playing video games.
“Hey.” Silence. “I’m sorry but if any of you fucks were in love, you would understand.” They look straight ahead at the football game they’re playing, and the only sounds come from the clicking of their controllers.
Sighing, I walk around the corner where Nick and Devon are playing ping pong.
“Look who’s back. Saint or Sinner?” Devon asks.
Nick scrubs his beard. “Greathouse, you better be ready to repent. The team is pissed.”
I swing the laundry bag over my shoulder. “I’ll take everyone for a steak dinner tonight.”
“It’s going to take more than that.”
I walk back down the hallway to the laundry room, and I sort my whites from my colors like Lettie’s grandmother taught me. Her grandparents have been a Godsend, teaching me how to be a man from the time I could ride a bike. As I load three washing machines and add the detergent, my mind zones in on the differences between Lettie and me. And how that makes us click. We give each other experiences that we wouldn’t get if we were both country club or both gothic. Our differences make it interesting. We’re two sides of a coin.
“Greathouse! Get in here.” I think it’s JaJuan yelling.
I guess it’s time to beg for forgiveness. The whole team is in front of the eighty-inch television screen, but it’s not the video game playing. Instead, they’re watching the news. It’s the local station doing a follow up on Lettie.
The footage focuses on Lettie’s ride, then pans to me saying I love you and touching my heart. But then my heart leaps from my chest when it switches to us singing at the bar. The first clip is when we’re singing the fast song, then me kissing her.
In unison, my teammates stamp their feet and scream, “Damn!” drawing out the word too damn long. “Dane’s got game.”
Nick adds, “Who knew?”
“Why didn’t I know you could sing?” Devon asks, shaking his head like I’ve been holding the secret to the Holy Grail.
My cheeks hurt from smiling, and my libido stirs, remembering how we expressed our feelings last night.
At the end of the newscast, the reporter says, “To listen to the songs in their entirety, follow us on socials. This may be the most adorable couple since you know who.”
They seem to be softening up, and I take the opportunity to gain my teammates’ trust again. “Get dressed, fellas. We’re going to Blake’s Steakhouse, then to McShane’s.”
I guess I’m forgiven for the time being as they all head to their rooms and change out of their Stallions gear into jeans and nicer shirts.
By the time we get to dinner, all anyone is talking about is Lettie and me singing. Nick says, “You’ve got to see this.” He shoves his phone in my face. “It already has over a million views.”
“Fuck, this isn’t good,” I mumble.