Page 9 of Out of Bounds
“Changed my mind and thought I would come for you, but you were already gone.”
He tsks with his tongue and a broad, cocky smile. “Oh, you’ll come for me.”
A blush creeps up my body, but then I see Dane rolling his eyes, and all I can think of is coming for Dane. I mentally admonish myself as I slap Nick’s arm. “Stop.”
Hannah arrives, looking too freaking cute. Her braided ponytail poking out the hole of her Stallions weathered baseball cap, Lululemon running shorts and a tight coral tank top. Why am I trying to set Dane up with her? To cover my feelings, that’s why.
Because she’s perfect, just like him. Two fucking perfect people.
“Hey, sorry I was running late. My roommate had her boyfriend over, and they were going at it like jack rabbits. I had to go to my parents’ to get any sleep.”
Dane smiles at her, and I’m wishing I hadn’t asked her. “How rude,” I say, doing my best Stephanie from Full House impersonation.
“Let’s ride,” Nick yells and even though it’s early, the chatter gets louder as everyone takes their places on the bus.
Someone brings a small speaker, so we alternate picking songs while enjoying the beginning of a day spent with friends. The girls sit together, picking out Taylor Swift songs while the guys mainly sing Drake or other rap artists. I know it’s driving Dane crazy because he’s a country boy and loves the two Lukes: Luke Bryan and Luke Combs.
Nick grabs beers and hard seltzers from the cooler, passing them around. Hannah declines after I’ve already opened mine. And Dane holds up his Icee and says, “I’m good.”
Why? Because I bought his favorite. Granny always says, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Hannah keeps eyeing Dane and every time he glances our way, she blushes. You would think I would be used to girls falling head over heels for him, but jealousy clutches my veins.
The sign for Timber Thrills Adventure Park comes into view, and the rustling of cans into the garbage rolls through the bus. Whoever was in charge of the music, turns it off and everyone starts chattering about what we should do first. But Nick opens his fourth beer as he asks to switch seats with Hannah.
Looking at Nick, I ask, “Did you drink this much at your other school? Dane says it dehydrates his body, and he can’t perform as well.” My best friend doesn’t drink much and will have one or two but never more.
He flicks Dane’s head, and Dane swats his hand away.
“I assure you; I can always perform,” Nick says as his eyes glaze over me.
And as much as his cockiness should make me shiver, it leaves me unaffected, so I snark back. “Someone inflated your ego.”
The bus comes to a stop, and the driver stands, giving us instructions and letting us know he’ll stay parked in this space and that we’ll leave when the park closes, and I put the parking lot number and row into my phone.
A couple of the guys have girlfriends, then there’s me, who’s in the weird stage, not knowing if Nick and I are serious. I doubt it—nothing Nick does is serious. He’s out for a good time. And the question pops into my head… will Nick dump me after we have sex?
Probably, or I’ll dump him.
The ticket line is long. Dane grabs my shoulders. “What are we riding first?”
“Damn, dude, can you keep your hands off my girlfriend?” Nick teases, but his tone lacks humor.
Dane drops his hands and turns so they’re chest to chest. “Girlfriend?”
“Yeah, girlfriend.”
“Have you asked her if that’s what she wants because she?—”
I interrupt Dane. “Stop. Let’s go straight to the Turbine Twister before I have any food in me.” I punch Dane in the arm. “Right.”
He gives me a tight-lipped grin. “I don’t care. I won’t be the one you throw up on today.”
Devon and his sister want to go the Screamin’ Demon first.
I take Nick’s hand, dragging him behind me. All twenty of us stand in line for the upside-down roller coaster. The waiting is the only downside to a theme park. Finally, the employees open the gates for the ride. “Secure your sunglasses,” I yell, stuffing them between my cleavage.
One of the girls says, “Where am I supposed to put mine?” She plays soccer for the club team and has a slim body with nothing to secure them in place.