Page 138 of Jump on Three
“I hate the hat.”
“Destroy the hat. It does not exist.”
“Bella forbade me to wear it.”
“She’s smart.” He touched his lips to mine. “Are you ready?”
“To graduate? Yes. To move on? I don’t know. Ask me once I do.”
He set me on my feet, and I slid my palms down his front. He was wearing a light-gray suit beneath his open graduation gown. The suit was ten times better than his school uniform. I’d have to remember to come up with occasions to get him into one again. It wouldn’t be at his job at Marco’s club, Savage Nights, but if I asked him to wear a suit for me, he would.
He would turn the world upside down for me if I wanted.
He’d turned his own world upside down for us.
Leonid Sokolov did not like me. I’d been with Ivan when he’d broken the news to his dad that he wasn’t going to be working for him anymore. Though my Russian was still elementary, I’d picked up the phrases “little bitch” and “whore girlfriend.” Ivan had hung up on him after that, then we’d started making plans for our future.
I slipped my fingers between his and squeezed. Today was the beginning and the end all rolled into one.
“Shall we go?” I asked.
Ivan dipped down to peck my nose. “Let’s do this.”
Campus was bustling with parents and relatives for graduation day. Our group went the long way, avoiding the crowds and dragging our feet a little. After this, nothing would be the same.
I wasn’t as scared as I would have been had Ivan not been right beside me.
We were almost to the auditorium when someone called my name. I stopped, swiveling my head to find Chantel rushing toward us.
“Oh my god, I’m glad I caught you.” Panting and red-cheeked, she pressed her hand to her chest. “I have to tell you something.”
Ivan’s hand tightened around mine, well aware Chantel was Layla’s little sister. He was wary of her, though I wasn’t as much. Perhaps I was naive, but I didn’t think she had spawned from the same demon as Layla.
“What is it?” I asked.
She sucked in another deep breath then launched into it. “Layla isn’t graduating today. Our parents took her out of school last night when they received a letter from UCLA retracting her acceptance.”
I frowned. “Why?”
Chantel’s eyes grew wide. She seemed almost excited about imparting this news.
“They ran random checks on applicant essays and found Layla’s had been written by AI. The dummy didn’t even write her own essay and got kicked out of college before it even started.”
My hand flew to my mouth in disbelief. Had she truly gotten what she deserved? The universe had actually been paying attention for once.
A giggle burst out of me. I tried to swallow it down since it wasn’t nice to laugh over anyone’s misfortunes, but then Chantel started giggling too and Ivan chuckled.
“Your parents wouldn’t let her walk?” Freddie asked.
“It wasn’t their choice,” Chantel replied. “SA found out about her being kicked out of college. They said this violated their honor code, so they made her move out last night. She’s graduating, just without the pomp and circumstance.”
“Literally,” Bella quipped.
I grinned up at Ivan. He was already peering at me, mirth curving his plush mouth. My stomach bubbled and popped as I leaned into him.
This day was going to be great. I just had to get through it.
When we were seated in alphabetical order, Delilah whispered in my ear.