Page 21 of Jump on Three
“Ah, yes.” I followed her to the edge, standing right beside her. “Would you like to hold my hand when we jump?”
Her eyes were on the pool while she spoke. “I think we should. But don’t pull me in. If you pull me in with you, I’ll panic.”
“I won’t pull you in. We can count and jump together.”
She tipped her head back, meeting my eyes. “We’re really doing this?”
“Yeah, Evelyn. We’re doing this.” I offered her my hand.
She sucked in a jagged breath. One, then another. “Okay.”
In slow motion, she raised her hand, placing it on mine. I expected her to stop there, but she didn’t. She slid her palm forward until her fingers threaded through mine. I closed mine around hers, holding her hand carefully.
Her hold was far less careful. She gripped me with a power I wouldn’t have known she had by looking at her. Her fingers were fine-boned and elegant, but they were strong as well. Her hand was warm, vibrating against mine.
“Ready?” I asked.
“Not really,” she whispered.
“We are doing this anyway?”
She nodded, still looking at me. “Now or never.”
“All right. We will count together.”
“Jump on three?” She was breathless, her chest rising and falling in rapid succession.
“Yes,” I agreed. “Jump on three.”
Suddenly, I was nervous. I rarely became nervous. I had no use for it. But this was a huge responsibility—her trust, keeping her safe. If I screwed this up, it would be more than the jump that was ruined.
Evelyn inhaled another deep breath then turned toward the pool. “Okay.”
Our voices blended, hands entwined. Evelyn was shaking, terrified, but she hadn’t backed away.
Muscles tensed. Breathing shallowed. Our toes were right at the edge. Gravity was pulling, pulling, pulling.
No hesitation. I jumped, hoping she would jump with me.
And she did.
The fall went on for longer than should have been possible, and she was there, falling with me like a silent bolt of lightning. The thunder was in my ears, my heartbeat frantic from my need to get this right.
We hit the surface, me first, followed by Evelyn.
Water sliced through our grip, pulling us apart. The moment the fall ended and the quest for the surface began, I found her, reaching for her. My hands closed around her waist, and we kicked together.
As soon as air entered Evelyn’s lungs, she made a whooping sound that startled me with its sheer delight.