Page 57 of Jump on Three
“We’re sneakin’ into a club. Maybe we’re the nefarious thing that’s going to go down.” Bella tugged at the hem of her purple dress. Why, I did not know. There was no extra material. It sat at the tops of her thighs, and the only direction it could go was up. When she’d come out in this dress, I’d asked why she had such a clothing item. She’d replied, ‘You never know when you’re gonna want to look trampy, Ev. Best be prepared for anything.’
She didn’t look trampy. She looked hot. It was making me second-guess my own dress, which felt conservative beside hers. Next time, I’d go shorter and tighter.
Sal glanced back at us in the rearview. “You really think you’re going to be able to sneak in?”
I shrugged. “We won’t know until we try. Having another person with me will undoubtedly lessen the chances of slipping in unseen, though.”
Bella chuffed. “I didn’t have to come.”
I raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think you would have let me leave the room without you.”
“Maybe that’s true.” She crossed her arms under her boobs. They went up, the neckline of her dress went down, and I was concerned for the modesty of her nipples. But if she didn’t care, I didn’t either.
“It is.”
“I’ll just wait in the car when we get there then.”
I lowered my chin, peering at her in the dark back seat. “Will you?”
Her snort was answer enough. “Nah, girlie. I’m comin’ in with you. And don’t worry about being sneaky. I’m like a cat burglar. A shadow. No one will know I’m there.”
Sal chuckled. “A shadow with bright-blonde ringlets. You’re definitely gonna blend, kiddo.”
It was Saturday night, and the city streets were brimming with even more life. Sal managed to snag the same spot down the street from the club, pulling to a stop at the curb.
My stomach was spinning like a pinwheel as we got out. If not for my queasiness, I would have said I wasn’t in my body. My arms and legs were moving, but I wasn’t in charge of them.
Bella grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop beneath the awning of a closed café.
“We don’t have to do this,” she whispered. “We can get back in the car and go home.”
“I know.” Sucking in a deep breath, I chose her right eyebrow as my focal point. Her eyebrows were blonde, a couple shades darker than her hair. “But I want to. I can’t stop thinking about this until I have answers.”
“What if he’s just dancin’ and drinkin’?”
I shook my head, certain that wasn’t all he was doing, though I didn’t know why. It just seemed too…obvious.
“If that’s all he’s doing, at least I’ll know.”
Bella’s questions and our brief pause brought me back to myself. I wasn’t brave, but I wasn’t scared right now. We were doing this. There was no backing down.
“All right, girlie. I’m with you all the way.” She squeezed my hand once more, then we were off, our high heels clicking on the sidewalk.
We came to the alley I’d discovered last time. It seemed darker now that we had to walk down it.
“This is it?” Bella whispered, even though no one was around to hear us.
“Yes. There’s a door that leads into the club. We just have to wait for someone to come out.”
We tiptoed down the alley. The entire time, I could hear Delilah’s voice in my head, telling me I was going to be embarrassed after I was murdered. After all, who willingly walked down a dark alley? All the headlines would make fun of me.
We found the door and chose a spot nearby so shrouded in darkness I could not see my hand in front of my face.
Bella’s arm pressed against mine. “So, we just…wait?”
A minute passed. Maybe two. Nothing happened.