Page 66 of Jump on Three
Her eyes flared, and she clamped down on her bottom lip, probably stopping herself from telling me it was a bad idea.
“Am I invited?”
“You won’t like it.”
She rolled her eyes. “No shit. But am I invited?”
“Of course you are. You’re invited everywhere I go. I don’t see why you would want to be there, though.”
Her sigh was as familiar as my own. She did not need to say the words to convey what it meant.
What if you can’t handle it?
…if you meltdown?
…if you need me?
“I’ll be with Bella. She knows me,” I assured her. “We’re going to have a cushy suite and matching outfits.”
Her fingers loosened, but she kept her hold on me. “You and Bella have been bonding lately.”
“Yeah. Our suitemates abandoned us for boys.”
Delilah laughed. “You know damn well I haven’t abandoned you, darling. Luciana, on the other hand…”
“She’s in Beckett World,” I said. “I’m only joking about you abandoning us, by the way.”
“I know, and I get it. I’m glad she’s had you after what Felix did to her.”
“She’s getting better.”
“I’ve noticed she’s a little less mopey this week.”
“She only described how she would remove his intestines with a spoon one time, so there’s progress.”
She snorted. “Right on time, since parents weekend is coming up very soon. We can’t let her make a spectacle in front of her parents.”
I cocked my head. “Can’t we? Isn’t that what he expects?”
“No, Evelyn. I’m surprised at you. You’re the nice one.”
I shrugged. “Maybe Bella’s attitude is rubbin’ off on me.”
She gasped. “A Texas accent is just wrong on you.”
Her dismay made me giggle, and she joined me, collapsing on my mattress to laugh at the ceiling. We lay there for a while, laughing and catching up on the things we’d missed and rehashing things we hadn’t.
There was nothing like being with my sister. My twin. I was relieved she’d chosen tonight to come to my room since I wouldn’t be here tomorrow night.
I had plans.
Chapter Twenty-one
Brian wasn’t nearly as much fun as Sal had been. He didn’t have a fun story about the origin of his name, and when I asked if people often misspelled it as “brain,” he’d simply barked, “No.” From his grumpiness, I was inclined to consider he wasn’t being truthful about that.