Page 50 of In The Details
Shira cleared her throat. “I thought I was being helpful.”
Bea shrugged. “You didn’t put that in the job description.”
I rubbed between my eyes, grinning. I was no closer to a decision, but at least I was smiling.
The four of us wove through the market until Shira and Bea stopped at a booth with handmade clothes while I went to look at the silver jewelry next door. Nellie was done hanging in the stroller, so I had her on my hip to look together.
The table was filled with necklaces and bracelets. It wasn’t really my style, but I spied a pretty hand-hammered pendant Saoirse would love.
I held it up for Nellie. “What do you think? Would this look pretty on Aunt Sershie?”
Her eyes rounded dramatically. “Oh yes. It’s so beautiful.”
“Isn’t it? I think she’ll love it.” I rubbed my nose on hers. “Can you keep it a secret if we buy it?”
Her little mouth twisted as she mulled that over. Then she touched her finger to my chin and gave me a very thoughtful, serious look. “Maybe.”
I kissed her sweet, round cheek. “Thanks for being honest, Nell-Belle. I know how hard it is to keep secrets.”
I gave the necklace to the clerk to wrap up and browsed while we waited. A young girl moved in beside me, her arm extended toward a bracelet hanging from a hook.
“Excuse me? Can you reach that for me?” the girl asked.
“Sure I can.” I grabbed the bracelet and turned to hand it to her. “This one, right?”
She looked up at me, and her blue eyes struck me like a blow to the solar plexus. “Yes. Thank you.” She paused, her pretty eyes moving to Nellie. “Your little girl is really cute.”
“Thank you. This is Nellie.”
Nellie waved. “Hi.”
“Hi, Nellie. I’m Sage. How old are you?”
I froze when she said her name. The moment her eyes had locked with mine, I’d known, deep down, she was Jake’s daughter, but this confirmed it. Our girls chatted like friends. Nellie even had me put her down, and Sage crouched so they could be at eye level.
It was very sweet.
It freaked me the hell out.
“Did you make a new friend, Sagie?”
Whipping around, I came face to face with the beautiful blonde from Jake’s foyer. Her eyes flared with recognition.
“Hi,” she said. “I don’t know if you remember me, but—”
A nervous laugh burst out of me. “I do. That morning was pretty memorable.”
“Right.” She offered me a smile. “Well, we didn’t properly meet. I’m Carly.”
“Nice to meet you, Clara.” She swung her head to our daughters. “Is this one yours?”
“She is. That’s Nellie.”
Sage stood up, holding Nellie’s hand. “Isn’t she cute, Mom? She’s three like Dex, but I like her better.”
Carly snorted a laugh. “Sorry, kid, you have to keep your brother.”