Page 60 of In The Details
“Sexy,” he stated.
“I’m covered from my neck to my knees,” I argued, even though I’d specifically chosen a dress he hadn’t seen me in yet. The ruffled sleeves were feminine, and the cut had been tailored immaculately, skimming the outline of my body in the most loving way. The patent belt at my waist nipped me in just right, and the collar, though high, was wide, while the tops of my shoulders and collarbone were bare.
Jake reached out and dragged a fingertip along the skin at the base of my throat. “It’s the peeks of what's underneath that makes it sexy. Then again, you could be in a sweat suit and make it work.”
“I guarantee you’ll never find out if that’s true.”
He laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I don’t doubt it.”
We ended up at a crowded sandwich shop a couple blocks from my office, crammed in a booth barely big enough for us. Our knees tangled beneath the table, and any time either of us moved our hands to pick up our sandwiches or reach for a napkin, we inevitably brushed one another.
“Your assistant is interesting,” he remarked between bites.
I snorted a laugh. “He’s insubordinate and annoying. I would have fired him a hundred times if he wasn’t so good at his job.”
“As long as he takes care of you.” He put his food down to shrug off his jacket and loosen his tie. Once he was free, he released a long breath. “Out of my costume,” he muttered.
“Now you look more like yourself,” I mused.
“I don’t look good in a suit?”
“Oh, you look incredible, but it doesn’t feel like you.”
“Never thought I’d end up working in an office, wearing a suit.” He shook his head. “But whose life turns out the way they thought it would when they were young?”
“Not mine,” I said dryly. “How did you end up doing what you’re doing?”
“Probably the same way you did. Familial obligation. A couple years ago, our grandfather had handed Jeremy the reins, and he’d wanted me by his side when he took over. He’d been raised to run the company while I’d watched from the outside.”
“And now you’re in an office four days a week instead of a garage or working on a ranch. That must be frustrating.”
“It’s like wearing a suit—doesn’t fit right, but if I stop thinking about it, it’s bearable.” He picked up his sandwich. “I have to be an adult. Sometimes that means giving up how I thought it was going to be. It’s worth it to me to be there for my brother.”
“I understand that, probably more than anyone else. It bothers me for you that you have to fit yourself into a mold that’s just bearable, though. Seems there are other positions that would better suit you—”
He cut me off. “It is what it is, Clara. I’m not exactly miserable, and Jeremy and I are a team.”
There was something he wasn’t saying about his relationship with his brother, but we weren’t in a place where I could push for answers. Maybe one day he’d open up and explain why he was so adamant he was where he needed to be.
“All right, Jake.” My knuckles brushed his. This time, on purpose. “It’s funny how our positions are reversed. I’ve always known I would work at Rossi. Luca had lived in denial. If he had his druthers, he’d be a professional artist and freewheeler.”
Jake chuffed. “Wouldn’t we all be professional freewheelers?”
“Well”—I folded my hands primly on the table—“not all of us. Some of us were math nerds who grew into business nerds and thrive in a corporate environment.”
“Yet Luca’s the CEO.”
I nodded. “He is, and he’s much better at it than I would have been. Despite him raging against the dying of his life free of responsibilities, I always knew he’d thrive in that position. And he does. My brother is incredibly smart and has brought his creative mind to the table. Our shareholders love the hell out of him, and he’s made me excited about my job all over again. Plus, you know, I get to see my brother a lot more than before, which has been the best part.”
Jake reached across the narrow table and swiped his thumb over my bottom lip. “I like the shape of your mouth when you talk about someone you love.”
“That’s…I don’t know how to respond when you say things like that to me.” I bit down on my bottom lip. “That was really nice.”
“There you go. You responded.”
“I did.” I rubbed my warm cheek. “I didn’t think I was still capable of blushing.”
“Oh, Clara,” he rumbled. “If me complimenting you makes you blush, get used to being pink. I say what I think, and these days, I’m thinking a lot about you.”