Page 9 of Strictly Business
“I’m just saying. This is a big deal, it changes things.”
“I don’t think you’re giving my brother enough credit. Sure, he’s going to be pissed she didn’t tell him, but not because she can’t get pregnant, because he wasn’t there for her.”
I’ve tried to reason with Nina, telling her the same thing, but she’s made up her mind.
“Look, I’ll talk to her,” Alex says.
“No! She’ll know I told you. Alex, you can’t say anything. Listen, I’m already on thin ice with her. If she knows I told you, that’s it. I’m done.”
“She isn’t going to fire you because you told me.”
“Have you met Nina?”
“Yes, and I know she can separate when it comes to business. If she is going to fire you it’s for not doing your job.”
“Shut the fuck up, Alex.”
“Am I wrong?” He ducks when I throw one of the croutons at him. “That’s not a no.”
Chapter Five
“I COME BEARING GIFTS,” I say walking into the kitchen with the cake for today’s party. Elizabeth clears a space on the counter and sets up the multi-colored polka dot cake stand. I open the lid when she finally turns to me, and the smell is heavenly — fresh vanilla and strawberry waft through the air. “Freshly baked this morning by the famous Ellen.”
“It smells so good.” She’s practically drooling as she removes it from the box. The layered strawberry shortcake from Ellen's Bake Shop is always a must at Davis family functions, now that Aunt Evie isn’t around to make her famous red velvet. Mom and Elizabeth have tried to recreate it, but unfortunately, no one makes it quite like her. The top is covered in a layer of cream frosting and fresh strawberries, each layer of cake separated by more frosting and berries, and fresh strawberry sauce drizzled on top. You must add Cool Whip, per Ellen, before serving, but not before. The whole thing looks magnificent sitting on its pedestal.
“I think we should skip lunch and go straight to dessert,” Kai says joining us with Ophelia on his hip.“What do you think, Leia?”
“Yes!” Ophelia rubs her hands together and licks her lips.
“You don’t want to spoil your appetite, do you?” Elizabeth boops her on the nose. “I made your favorite — dino nuggets!”
“Absolutely,” Kai laughs, but Ophelia struggles, her eyes trained on the cake. She loves dino nuggets but loves cake more, ultimately agreeing with her dad.
“We at least need to wait for your Uncle Nick, don’t we?”
Oh wow, Elizabeth is playing the Nick card. That’s dirty. She knows Ophelia wouldn’t dare leave her favorite Uncle out.
“Daddy, we have to wait,” Ophelia says crossing her arms with a pout.
“This is blasphemy,” Kai laughs, “you’re supposed to be on my side, kid.” He turns to Elizabeth,” I can’t believe you used Nick against me.” Elizabeth shrugs, a large smirk on her lips as she rearranges more food. Ophelia squirms out of her father’s arms and runs out of the kitchen towards the living room. When he is sure she’s gone, he asks the question we’re all wondering, “You sure he’s even coming?”
“Said he’d be here,” she says and leans back against the counter taking a sip of lemonade. “He was supposed to have landed last night, but Nin said he got held up at a dinner. His new flight should have landed about twenty minutes ago.”
“Anyone heard from him to confirm that's real?” I ask.
“His flight got delayed,” Nina says walking into the kitchen wearing high-waisted navy blue dress pants, a cream satin camisole, with a tan blazer and leopard print heels.
“You look like you just came from a board meeting,” Kai taunts her — at least I’m not the only one who thinks so. I feel undressed in my jean shorts and a dark green button-down.
“Nick isn’t going to make it,” she ignores her brother’s comment and doesn’t acknowledge me.
“How long until the others get here?” Elizabeth takes another sip of her lemonade.
“Alex said they were leaving as I pulled up," I add swiping one of the carrot sticks from the veggie platter. “And, Mom and Dad should be here any minute."
“Where’s Josh?” Kai pulls a beer from the fridge. “I haven’t seen him yet. I thought he was on burger duty.”