Page 34 of Temptation Trails
That smile was going to be the death of me. “Yes, ma’am. Be safe out there.”
“You too.”
She raised her window as I stepped back, her smile disappearing behind the glare of the sun on the glass.
I walked back to my car, half in a daze. Had I really just pulled her over, then asked her out?
And she’d said yes?
Practical, sensible Garrett Haven would never have done that.
I got in my car with a slight grin on my face, kind of glad that guy had gone missing for a minute.
Was this date a good idea or a bad idea? I was so torn.
All day, I’d waited for something bad luckish to happen. Nothing. No failed timers, no burnt cookies, no smoke alarms or evacuations.
In fact, it almost seemed as if my day had been filled with good luck.
Every batch of cookies had turned out perfect and my cupcakes looked magical. After the morning rush, things had slowed down just in time for me to take an actual lunch break. My blinker randomly started working again, and when I came back to work after grabbing some food, my spot in the parking lot was still open.
Bad luck had to be lurking, just waiting to strike.
Which meant this date was probably going to be a disaster. Or he was going to get a huge promotion in another country tomorrow and I’d never see him again.
There was a knock at my door and I glanced at the clock on the microwave. He was right on time, to the minute.
Wow. Okay. So, not blowing me off, missing our date due to work, or anything in between. That was a good start at least.
With a deep breath, I smoothed out my black dress and fluffed my hair, then answered the door.
Garrett Haven stood on my doorstep, looking like a dream in a dark gray coat over a button-down shirt with the collar undone and a pair of extremely well-fitting gray slacks.
I don’t know why it surprised me so much to see him out of uniform. Of course he’d be dressed in regular clothes.
And of course he’d look that good.
Wow. Again.
He gave me that smile of his and I hadn’t even said anything. The words I’m so lucky ran through my head.
Wait. No. I wasn’t lucky. Like, ever.
“Hi.” His voice was pleasantly deep. “You look beautiful.”
My cheeks warmed and I felt a pleasant fluttering in my stomach. “Thank you. So do you. I mean, you look nice.”
“Thank you. If you unlock your car, I can get that blinker replaced for you.”
“You know what’s weird? It works now.”
“Yeah. I checked it a couple of times to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. But it works fine. I don’t know what was going on yesterday.”