Page 67 of Temptation Trails
“Are you sure?”
“I think I’d remember if she left me that brooch. It was beautiful.”
Holly let out an irritated breath. “So you’re sure you didn’t lose it?”
I was trying not to get annoyed that she assumed if it was missing, it must have been my fault. “I’m positive. I never had it. Why?”
“I bought a new dress and the brooch would look perfect with it. I was hoping you had it.”
“Did you ask Mom? If Grandma didn’t leave it to you, she probably has it.”
“No, I’ll have to call her.”
“Yeah.” I hesitated. Holly’s familiar voice stirred up an old longing. I’d always wished we were closer. The kind of sisters who shared secrets. “So, how have you been?”
“Good. Just busy.”
“Work busy or socially busy? Or both?”
“Mostly work. Why?”
“I’m just wondering. Did Mom tell you I moved to Tilikum?”
“No. Why would you do that?”
“Aunt Doris was struggling with the bakery, so I came out to help.”
“Just temporarily?”
“Probably not. She really needs to retire.”
“What does that have to do with you?”
“I mean, I’m a baker, so…”
“Sure, but she should be able to find someone out there. She can’t expect you to just drop everything and come bail her out.”
“She didn’t expect me to, I decided.”
“But it’s a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.”
“And it sounds like my nightmare.”
“I guess that’s one of the things that makes us different. I like it here.” I hesitated again. “I’m kind of seeing someone.”
“A small-town guy? Oh my god, please tell me you’re kidding.”
“What? Why?”
“Lovely. Now you’re going to be stuck in that backwoods dump with a flannel-wearing hick who chops wood and wants to keep you barefoot and pregnant. And isolated, I might add. All I can remember about Tilikum is that there’s zero decent shopping.”
“Wow, way to stereotype.”
“We both know I’m right. He probably grew up there and has never lived anywhere else.”
“His family lives here, but I don’t actually know where else he’s lived. I don’t have his entire life story.”