Page 69 of Temptation Trails
“Why did she call you? I’m going out with a guy. I don’t think that’s a family emergency.”
“She called about your grandmother’s brooch. The subject of your questionable life choices also came up.”
“My questionable life choices? Mom, I’ve been out on a couple of dates. Why did this warrant a phone call?”
Doris shook her head slowly.
“I didn’t say anything when you moved to Tilikum. I thought it would be temporary. But darling, is that really the best you can do? It’s very… provincial.”
“I’m sure you mean that in the worst way possible.”
“What sort of life could you have there? I’m concerned.”
“That I’m going to get stuck with a flannel-wearing hick who wants me barefoot and pregnant.”
I rolled my eyes again. Much more of this and I was going to get an eye-roll headache.
It’s totally a thing.
“He’s a good man. And I like Tilikum. It’s quiet here, and friendly.”
“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
She kept talking for another minute or so. Something about small towns and the sort of people who lived in them. I held the phone away from my ear while Doris laughed softly behind her hand.
“Mom, I’m at work, I need to go. Thanks for the advice.”
“Anytime. You think this through, all right?”
“Yeah, I will. Bye.”
I ended the call, and, with a groan, dropped my forehead to my arms.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” Doris said.
“No, it’s okay. If it had been private, I would have let you know.”
She placed a gentle hand on my back. “I figured. Don’t let her get to you.”
I sat up. “I shouldn’t have said anything to Holly.”
“Is that what happened?”
“Yeah. Holly called and I made the mistake of telling her I’m dating someone. She immediately called Mom, like it’s some sort of crisis.”
She pulled up the other stool and sat. “Your mom always has her own ideas about things.”
“What does she have against small towns? I didn’t even know that was a thing with her.”
“I don’t know. She’d probably say they’re uncivilized, but I think it has more to do with status. She’s always been very concerned with how people perceive her, and her idea of success is very specific.”
“I wish she didn’t have to project all that on me. So what if I like living here and being a baker and dating Garrett Haven? There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Of course there isn’t.”