Page 87 of Smut
But Amanda leads me back into the bedroom.
And even though I swear I’ll never be able to shake what happened, she’s pretty good at making me forget.
It takes me a few moments to realize where I am. There’s a cushiony duvet wrapped around me, and under that, a warm, heavy arm around my side.
Blake’s arm.
Oh my god.
I wasn’t even drunk last night but it’s all coming back to me now in flashes.
Hot, filthy flashes.
Jesus O’Malley.
I feel like I’ve been hit by a big giant sex bus.
The things he did.
The things we did.
His tongue.
His cock.
Getting caught by the librarian.
Speeding away from the school, laughing, nervous, the stars above us, feeling so fucking crazy.
Coming back here, having him fuck me mercilessly again until I thought I was a prism, shattering with colors.
Then of course Fluffy.
I try not to think about that.
I turn my head to look at Blake, his face smashed into the pillow next to me, deep asleep. Like most people he looks different when he’s sleeping. Younger. Vulnerable. Sweet. Though I know Blake is anything but sweet. Sexy, funny, crude? Yes. Sweet? You must be mistaken.
Still, I like seeing him like this and being this close I can observe all the details without those eyes of his watching my every move. He’s got two small moles on the left side of his cheek, near his dimples, a smattering of faint freckles across his nose that I don’t think were there last month. They must come out with the sun. I lean in closer. There’s a faint scar above his upper lip that I bet he got in a fight or from some embarrassing childhood accident.
“Get a good look?” he mumbles.
I gasp in surprise and jerk my head back. He opens one eye and looks at me.
“Were you just pretending to be asleep?” I say softly, my heart thudding in my throat.
Half of his grin is buried by the pillow. “I wanted to see if you’d pull the cliché staring at your sex partner maneuver.”
“Sex partner?”
He closes his eyes and tries to shrug. “It’s early.”
“Well, now that you’re awake, I have to go pee,” I tell him, prying his heavy arm off of me. I crawl over him ungracefully and scamper to the bathroom, aware that I’m buck naked as I go. I can hear the bed squeaking lightly and he is so obviously turning around to watch me go. Thankfully I remember which door is the bathroom and I don’t disturb Satan’s hamster.
Once inside, I breathe a sigh of relief, taking in the cool masculinity of his bathroom, the privacy. I sit on the toilet and put my head in my hands and try to think.