Page 4 of Ravish Me Slowly
The waiter placed it on the table in front of me, gave me a friendly smile, although I looked at him bewildered, and wished me, Bon appétit. On the other side of the table, I saw that all-too-familiar smug grin that sent a shiver down my spine.
He had not… yet he had. He had taken it upon himself to decide what I wanted to eat and had also ordered it with a simple gesture. I would have loved to complain, but I couldn't deny that it felt like he had lifted an invisible burden from my shoulders—one that I hadn't even been aware existed.
Instead of an angry remark, something else escaped my lips. "Thank you."
Immediately after, I took off my leather jacket, which was accepted by a waiter in the same instant, and I reached for the silverware.
"What would be a much worse option in my case?"
As he looked at me, small wrinkles formed around his eyes, reflecting his amusement. "A dramatic argument in the middle of the restaurant?"
With a soft noise, I agreed, although it had never been my intention to seek confrontation. "Well, this is probably the better alternative," I finally replied, my face slightly twisted.
I hated to admit it, but this attractive stranger was saving my evening. Was there an official package one could add to every breakup?Your ex cheated on you—here's your consolation prize. Enjoy.
"How long has it been since your ex-wife cheated on you?"
"Ten years. So it's not like it still affects me."
If he had been married ten years ago… Math was never my strong suit, but even I could figure out how old he must be. Not that there was a single fiber in my body that cared about a number that had no bearing on this evening. Gradually, I forgot why I had come here in the first place. This conversation was far better than making a scene with the jerk a few tables over.
"How long have you known?"
Suddenly, the food on my plate became much more interesting. Why did it feel like I was completely exposing myself to him, even though I hadn't removed a single piece of clothing?
"This afternoon."
He didn't respond, just looked at me expectantly until I couldn't stand the silence between us any longer and just kept talking.
"There was this message on his phone. I mean, not that I don't respect his privacy. I saw it out of the corner of my eye and then found condoms in his travel bag." I wrinkled my nose. "We don't need those. It's not about contraception; it's just that for months…"
I interrupted myself again. This time, however, it was because I couldn't possibly share more details about my pitiful sex life with a stranger.
"I see."
"I should just stop talking. Sorry. It's just that I've really tried, and he…"
His gaze shifted in the direction I had looked several times before. "And he's off having fun with a blonde while you sit at home alone, hoping everything somehow works itself out?" He winked at me. "Yes, that sounds all too familiar to me."
While my mind was registering his last remark, the rest of my body was still processing his charming wink.
Being the focus of his attention was definitely getting to me. I should have felt horrible. Instead, I found myself oddly enjoying this encounter.
"So, what's your plan now that you know he's actually cheating on you?"
And that snapped me right back to the present and my current situation. "I'm open to suggestions as long as they don't involve confrontation."
"How hard do you want him to be hit?"
"Who says that would affect him at all? He wouldn't have decided to cheat on me without a reason."
This time, he was the one who scrutinized me intently. His gaze traveled from my eyes to my lips, back up to my nose, and then to my hair before slipping down a fraction of a second longer. He leaned back, hands resting on his undoubtedly spread legs.
Although spontaneous combustion had been debunked a hundred times over, in that moment, I truly believed I was about to become its first real victim.
His jaw tensed before he raised an eyebrow and slightly tilted his head. "Most men are simple creatures who can't resist the slightest temptation, sneaking a treat from the candy jar while their favorite meal waits at home. I'll never understand that." He shrugged. "And if I were in his shoes, I know what I would never take my eyes off."
Something in his words made the air between us crackle. Suddenly, my mouth was not just dry but felt as parched as the Sahara itself. My ex was forgotten—let him move on with the blonde as long as I only…