Page 7 of Ravish Me Slowly
But the feeling hadn't reached its peak, I realized, when he slid his hand to the small of my back and guided me toward the elevator.
Oh shit.
This man was not only taking me out of the restaurant; he was undoubtedly leading me out of my old life.
"Still no desire to make a scene?" I heard Gray murmur darkly next to me, causing me to glance over my shoulder as his hand at my back continued to guide me.
I waited for a feeling. Any sign that told me I needed to rush and throw a punch right in the face of my ex. To dosomething.
But it didn't come.
I would exit his life the same way my feelings for him had faded over the last few months.
Quietly. And without leaving anything behind.
Asshe entered the apartment, I leaned against the doorframe, watching as her poised posture crumbled. Not only did she unconsciously draw her shoulders in, but Amelia seemed to transform into an entirely different person the moment she stepped into the hallway.
The realization left a bitter taste in my mouth, triggering a desire to shield her from further disappointments. I wanted to protect her from the pain she was undoubtedly feeling—a novel sensation for me, one that I knew I should suppress. It wasn't my place, nor did it seem wise, to intrude into the life of a woman who had just discovered she had been cheated on.
I knew all too well how that felt—what it did to someone when a relationship ended that way.
Still, I couldn't deny that she deserved better. And the confident voice in my head had already teamed up with the rest of my body in deciding that better was me.
You're such an idiot, Gray. Offering your help was a mistake. How are you going to get out of this? The last thing she needs is…
"Did you change your mind?" Amelia interrupted my internal thoughts, immediately recapturing my attention.
A slight furrow had formed between her eyebrows as if she were unsure whether to trust my offer of help.
"I stand by my word, Amelia," I assured her, with my hands deep in my pockets. "No exceptions."
Yet I had to be cautious because the undertones of our conversation were dangerous. She must have sensed it too; otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Or was it merely wishful thinking that a woman like Amelia…
"Then come on in before?—"
"Before what? Your neighbors find out you've brought home a man in the middle of the night?" I let my gaze wander amusedly over her serious face. When Amelia looked at me that way, she reminded me of Diana fromWonder Woman, having just received some bad news.
She glared at me, her lips never once hinting at a smile. That absence made me slowly doubt her capability to smile at all, which only fueled my determination to coax a genuine one from her.
To appease her, I pushed off from the doorframe and followed her down the hallway into the living room. It should have felt like I was intruding into a couple's private space, but everything I saw bore the unmistakable immature touch of a young man who knew nothing about interior design or how to make someone else happy.
If all this stuff belonged to the idiot Amelia had called her boyfriend up until tonight, I wondered where she was in this relationship. Even after taking a look around, I was convinced this would be a quick move-out.
Amelia returned to the living room with a plastic crate stuffed to the brim with books, heavy enough that she almost toppled over under its weight. Groaning, she set the crate down on the floor next to the door, straightened up, and looked my way. "Could you maybe?—"
"Yes," I muttered with a quiet grunt. Whatever she was about to ask, I would obviously do anyway.
Whenever there was something to be done, I did it. No questions asked, and especially without her having to look at me like she was sorry to have to ask me for anything.
"You don't want to know what it is first?"
With three big strides, I was beside her. "No."
Only then did I bend down, lift the top book with a raised eyebrow, stand up, and turn the cover questioningly toward her. "Kidnapped by the Mountainman?" I read aloud.