Page 100 of Passing Ships
In this moment, watching as he tugs Leia into his arms and swings her around in celebration, I can see him with a little one of his own. The picture is so clear—a little brown-haired boy with Lennon’s blue eyes and crooked grin.
I’m so lost in the sight of them and the vision in my head that I don’t realize I’m crying until I taste the salt of my tears on my tongue.
“Dammit, Sailor. Don’t go making me want something more,” I whisper to myself as I swipe at my cheeks.
As if he can hear me, he turns, and his eyes meet mine. His forehead wrinkles in concern before he stops dancing and raises an eyebrow.
I shake my head. I’m good, I mouth.
Amiya stands in front of everyone with a champagne flute in her hand, sniffling her way through her toast.
“She’s a girl’s girl. A loyal friend you can trust with your man and your bank account PIN. Who never tries to outshine you or dull your beauty. She celebrates your successes and keeps your secrets safe. The best friend and chosen sister anyone would be lucky to have, but she’s mine. All mine. And I guess she’s yours now too, Sebastian. But never forget, she was mine first.”
Sebastian inclines his head in acknowledgment of that truth.
Once she’s finished, everyone drinks, and as she’s walking back to the table, Allen approaches and asks her to dance.
“If you want her, you’d better tell her.”
I’m standing at the edge of the dance floor, eyes glued on Amiya and her date. I force my eyes away from her to Avie, who has joined me.
“Now doesn’t seem like the best time.”
“I wouldn’t wait too long if I were you. She’s not like other girls. She won’t chase you. She won’t try to prove to you that she’s the one. She is who she is. She’s aware she is a handful, and she knows she has flaws, but she’s endured and healed from a lot of trauma. She knows her worth. She fought hard and earned it. So, if she wants you in her life and lets you know it, you can be sure it’s real because she doesn’t waste time. Not hers and not yours. She understands that time is valuable. And trust me, being important to Amiya Chelton is a privilege.”
“I hear you,” I say.
“One more thing: don’t hurt her,” she says, her voice turning serious. “I love you, and I’m so happy to have you as a brother-in-law, but if you hurt her, I’ll rip your balls off and shove them down your throat. It would suck for Leia to have a ball-less freak for an uncle, but I’d go there.”
I swallow back a laugh. “Geezus, Avie. You’ve got a mean streak,” I say.
“When it comes to that girl, you bet your ass I do. Are we clear?”
“Good. Now, spin your new favorite sister around the dance floor,” she demands, slipping her hand into mine.
“Excuse me, Allen. May I cut in?” I ask.
The man glances over his shoulder at me. A look of surrender on his face.
“Sure,” he says before looking back at Amiya. “I need to head out anyway. It was good to see you, Amiya.”
She steps in to hug him and kisses his cheek. “Thank you for coming. I’ll be back in the office on Monday, and we’ll schedule a conference call next week.”
“That sounds good,” he says, and I can hear the disappointment in his voice as he turns back to me. “She’s all yours.”
I take her into my arms and pull her close, bringing my lips to her ear.
“You did it. You made sure that Avie’s wedding day was everything she’d dreamed it’d be.”
“Whew, I feel like we need a vacation now,” she says, a soft laugh escaping her.
“It has been an adventure,” I agree, pulling back to look into her eyes. “I’ve enjoyed every second of sharing a house with you the past few weeks, Legs, and now that I know what it feels like to have your heat tucked in beside me, I hate how fucking cold my bed is going to be at night when you aren’t in it.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. “Is that so?”