Page 38 of King of the Bronx
Chapter Sixteen
As I grabbed the bag of Chinese food from the delivery man, my phone started to ring. Work never fucking stops. I tip the guy what I think is a generous amount, but it’s been so long since I’ve ordered take-out, I wasn’t sure what was expected. Fifteen percent? Twenty percent? After closing the door, I set the bags down on the island and pulled out my phone.
“Enzo,” I answered.
“I’ll have a clear shot in about twenty minutes as long as I have your go-ahead,” Cole said.
With all the bullshit that’s been going on, I’d completely forgot that Cole was on a mission to take out a gang leader.
“Take the shot. Text me when you’re done.”
I hung up and placed the phone down on the island. Just as I was about to unpack the food, it rang again.
“What the fuck,” I mumbled to myself. Business never stopped. Most of the time, I didn’t mind. It kept me going. But now with Raven here, I just wanted a second of quiet. I have to figure out what the fuck to do about this whole brothel situation, and I can’t do that if my phone keeps blowing up every two minutes.
“We got a problem over here, Boss,” Cal said.
That doesn’t sound good. Cal would only call if it was important. “Fuck, I’ll be right there.”
Raven walked into the kitchen dressed in a tight tank top and a pair of skimpy pajama shorts. Her long legs are on display, and the tank top barely contains her tits. Is she doing this on purpose?
“What’s going on?” she asked as I set the phone down before pulling my shoes on.
“I gotta go.” I gave her a stern look. “Don’t try to leave.”
I’m out the door and in my car in a matter of minutes. I waste no time speeding down the New York streets to the brothel. Before I’d even parked the car, I knew why Cal called me. Three men dressed in suits stand on the stoop, looking just as pissed off as Cal. I threw the car in park and jogged up to the stoop.
“Do we have a problem here, boys?” I asked to add in extra insult.
I’m relieved that I don’t recognize them. They didn’t rank high enough for me to be familiar. Maybe this wasn’t a high priority to the Irish.
One of the men smiled and took a step closer to me. My hand twitched for the gun that was tucked into my waistband.
“No problem at all. How about you just have your man move away from the door of our building and we won’t have any problems.” He opened his vest, flashing me the metal strapped to the side of his body.
“That’s not going to happen.”
Another one of the men stepped forward, but the main guy put a hand on his chest.
“There are a lot of witnesses around for you to be throwing threats like that,” I said.
He looked around as if just now noticing all the people on the street. A woman and her young child crossed the road. The mailman dropped a package on the stoop two houses down. I could really give a fuck about the witnesses. Cosa Nostra had enough cops on our payroll to cover up nearly everything, but the Irish didn’t. They’re goldfish, and I’m a goddamn shark.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
He nodded. “We’ll be in touch, Enzo.”
They walked down the stairs to a black car parked out front.
Now I had a target on my back and I’m not too fond of that feeling. My mind wanders back to Raven. I’m risking a lot for her and I still don’t know why. Yes, she’s beautiful and her bad attitude turned me on. Was that reason enough to risk my life?
I walked up the steps and into the brothel. Erica sat at the front desk. She must be taking Raven’s place. She stands to her feet as I close the door.