Page 47 of Hating the Bratva
“Another,” I grunt out to the bartender. Instead of sitting through that bullshit ceremony, I went straight to the bar, set up for the reception, and ordered a drink. The bartender wasn’t even done unloading everything before I’d barked at him to pour me a vodka. I should be keeping a clear head since I know what’s coming in only a matter of hours, but I need a drink after the look Delaney gave me in the room upstairs. Seeing her like that was a punch to the gut. She thinks I abandoned her, that I gave up on us. She’s so wrong. I will never give up on us. I made sure the marriage certificate isn’t scheduled to be signed until tomorrow morning. Just enough time for me to…
“Hey! I didn’t see you out there,” Mikhail says, slapping me on the back as he comes around the bar. He takes a seat next to me and taps the counter twice to get the bartender’s attention.
“Three fingers of whiskey. Neat,” he says. The bartender gives him a tight nod and begins to make the drink. “Went straight to reception?” Mikhail asks, eyeing me with suspicion.
“Yep.” I down the rest of the drink. It doesn’t even burn going down anymore. It’s like water at this point. Growing up in a Russian household, you get used to the taste of vodka pretty quickly.
“Ivan is one lucky guy.”
I narrow my eyes at Mikhail as his drink is set in front of him. I can’t tell if he’s trying to test my patience or what.
He takes a sip of his drink. “I mean, who would have thought—”
I slam my fist down on the bar and lean close to him. “Are you trying to piss me off?” I growl.
His face doesn’t change, probably because he knew I’d react this way. More people are ushered into the reception area, so I lean away from Mikhail, but he leans closer to me.
“I know you have a plan, so what is it?” he whispers.
I shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah fucking right. You claimed this woman a long time ago, and I know you, Alek. You’re not a person who gives up. Control is basically your middle name, and you aren’t in control right now. That’s how I know something is up.”
A chuckle escapes my lips. “Maybe this time is different. I’m loyal to the Bratva, and Gavril has made his decision.”
“Ha!” Mikhail gulps down the rest of his drink. “We’ll see about that.”
He gets up from the stool, leaving me to look like a drunken asshole as everyone else takes their seat and waits for dinner to be served. I’m fine staying here while everyone else celebrates this fake wedding. It takes a while before Ivan and Delaney join the rest of the guests. I assume they had to pose for pictures and take care of whatever else happens after a wedding. I don’t take my eyes off her as she goes through the motions. She eats and dances. Luckily, only a couple of people stand up to make a short speech. What can you say about two people who barely know each other and, in Delaney’s case, hate each other. The bar is located behind her, so she can’t see me, but I see her eyes searching. I’m here, Bunny. I’ll always be here. Once the torture is over, and I’ve filled my empty stomach with vodka, they exit the room.
I sneak out through a side door and keep far enough away so they can’t see me. The bedroom they’re staying in tonight is on the top floor of the mansion overlooking the large manicured lawn. I stay at the bottom of the staircase until I hear the door to the bedroom shut. Then, I make my way up the steps. Since everyone is still in the reception area, there’s not a chance I’ll run into anyone. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I get closer. I stand next to the door, listening for any sounds of concern. If he puts a hand on her, I’ll kill him myself. The only sound on the other side of the door is shuffling feet.
My phone vibrates, and I see a text from an unknown number. It’s one of the members of the Miami brotherhood.
Three minutes.
I immediately delete the message. Three minutes. Voices sound on the other side of the door. I look around the hallway, making sure no one is around before pressing my ear closer.
“That’s not happening,” I hear Delaney say. I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips. That’s my girl. Ivan responds, but I’m not able to make out his words.
She scoffs. “I’m going to change.” A door closes, and it’s silent again. I check my watch—one more minute. Stay in the bathroom, Bunny. I slow my breathing and count down the seconds in my head. Everything seems to get quiet right before the two loud gunshots go off. Delaney screams, but I force myself to wait ten more seconds before barging in.
The first thing I see is Ivan sprawled across the carpeted floor. Blood gushes around his body and seeps through the carpet, staining the floor underneath. His eyes are open, and I almost feel guilty…almost. Shouting and commotion erupt from the lower levels of the house. The men will think we’re under attack. It won’t take them long to figure out what happened. The door handle to the bathroom moves, and I rush to it. I press against the door so she can’t open it.
“Alek,” I can hear the fear in her voice.
“I need you to close your eyes for me.”
“Alek, what happened?” she sobs.
“I don’t have time. Close your eyes and let go of the door handle.”
The handle twists back in place as she lets go.
“Are your eyes closed?” I ask.