Page 101 of Tortured Tones
“She’s not my type.” No, she wasn’t the typical woman I was attracted to. She was no supermodel or groupie. Ava would eat those women for breakfast and use their bones as toothpicks. But her love of exercise and the outdoors, her devotion to her family and need to protect people hit home for me. Maybe we had too much in common. I just didn’t want or need someone like that in my life right then, or ever... right?
Lewis’s laughed, low and deep. “Don’t talk to me about types. I was gay before I met your sister. Tia was not my type. But fuck...since being with her, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time.”
“I’m stoked for you. But there’s nothing going on between Ava and me. I’m not going to fuck up her life or her job just because we slept together.” I’d hurt and screwed up enough people’s lives over the years—I didn’t want to add any more to the list. I wanted to make the right choices, make good decisions, and be a better person for my kid. I had a long way to go. Ava didn’t need to be dragged into my mess. This being responsible thing sucked.
“You haven’t fucked up her life.” Flint placed his beer on the table. “We’ve got your back always. We won’t say anything.” Then a suggestive smile slid across his lips. “She’s nice though...just saying.”
“Yeah, it’d be better if you didn’t say anything.” I finished the last mouthfuls of my beer. “I’ve got too much other shit to worry about. Charlotte. Finding a nanny if Harper says no. And keeping you guys in line. We’ve only just begun the tour and have months ahead of us.”
“Fuck yeah.” Slip pumped his fist. “Bring on Denver.”
“It’ll be wicked.” I eased off the seat and tossed my empty bottle into the trash can. “But I’m done for the night. I’m gonna hit the sack. See you in the morning.”
Just after two a.m., I crawled into my bunk, put my earbuds in, and listened to some classic rock. But I couldn’t sleep. I trusted the guys wouldn’t say anything to anyone about me being with Ava. I had no reason to doubt them. But I hadn’t had the best of luck with my secrets remaining hidden. Nor at being able to relax.
I closed my eyes and took long, slow, deep breaths, but a gazillion other thoughts bombarded my mind—who’d followed me and staked out my home? Did they want to hurt me? Why the fuck hadn’t Harper replied to my emails or calls? Then my thoughts diverted to our next shows, interview schedules, and promo agenda, to Christmas gifts and lunch that had to be organized, then to Charlotte, Hannah...and Ava.
I didn’t want to cause Ava any issues.
I hoped everything would be okay.
But the dread in my stomach wouldn’t disappear.
The following morning, after we’d checked into our hotel in Denver, Ava flew to LA to see Josh. It was ridiculous to consider missing her for two days. Surely it was just that Kennedy wasn’t as much fun to tease and torment as she was.
After an afternoon of interviews, photoshoots, and dinner, everyone had an early night before our two Denver shows. But there was no such thing as time out with a three-year-old. Hannah had taken Charlotte to the zoo today. As I tried to read her a bedtime story, she jumped around my bed with Barney, impersonating every animal she’d seen, roaring, stomping, and screeching.
Laughing, I grabbed my cell phone and took her picture. Her big smile and bright eyes lessened my worries for a few brief minutes.
Skipping across the mattress, she flapped her arms like a bird. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
My lungs filled to capacity. Warmth wrapped around my heart. Charlotte had never wanted to do that before. “Really? You want to stay with me?”
“Yes.” She gave me a big nod, then jumped higher and higher. “Can we be monkeys now?”
I was all animaled out. I patted the bed beside me. “No. It’s story time.”
“Tigers?” She made her hands into claws. “Roarrrr!”
“No. It’s bedtime.”
“Five more minutes, please?”
How could I say no? Discipline was not my strong point. “Fine.” I waggled my finger at her. “Five minutes. Then sleep.”
Was Josh like this with Ava?
As Charlotte plonked onto all fours and crawled around my king-sized bed, roaring, I sent Ava a text and the picture of Charlotte I’d just taken.
So much for rest. This is bedtime.
Seconds later, Ava sent an image of her and Josh, cuddled together on the sofa, eating popcorn, with the message:
This is family time. Enjoy it.
I stared at the photo of Ava dressed in blue-striped flannel pajamas. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders, and the light from the TV shimmered in her gorgeous eyes. My breath snagged in my chest. Was I falling for her when I didn’t want to? Nope... I couldn’t.Don’t be ridiculous. I sent one final text.