Page 134 of Tortured Tones
“I don’t want to see anyone,” I yelled out to Hannah.
But she didn’t listen. Seconds later, my band and Tia stepped outside.
I rested my head back against the wall. “Guess you’ve heard, huh?”
“Yeah, we’ve just met with Ava and Wells.” Slip came over. He squatted, swiped the bottle from my hand and took a swig. “They told us what happened...and she’s leaving. You okay?”
I glared at him and threw him a smug smile. “I’m just fucking dandy.”
“Crap. You’re worse than I expected.” Flint took the bottle from Slip and swallowed a couple of mouthfuls before he passed it to Lewis. “But that’s why we’re here.”
“Women. Who needs ’em?” Lewis winked at Tia as he had a drink then gave her the vodka.
“You do need us.” Tia nudged his arm and took a sip. “Sometimes it just takes you a while to realize that. But Cole”—she stepped toward me, bent down, and rubbed my shoulder—“it’s awful Ava’s ex had her followed, but I’m glad it wasn’t some psycho fan after you. I was so worried about you and Charlotte. And everyone.”
“Yeah, so am I.” I caught her hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Sorry she’s gone home, man.” Slip tapped my knee. “Are you going to see her when we get back to LA?”
“Can we not talk about this now? Or ever?” It was still too raw. Still a mess. I was still trying to make sense of what had happened.
“Okay, maybe not now, but we are gonna do what we always do when we get messed up over a woman.” A mischievous grin spread across Flint’s mouth. “We’re gonna get buzzed until it’s time for sound check. Sober up and play our show. Then get fucking wasted at the after-party.”
I grabbed the bottle from Tia and raised it to them. “Then you’d better catch up.”
Lewis held out his hand, hauled me to my feet, and patted me on the back. “Here’s to being fucked up by love.”
I grimaced. I didn’t love Ava. Did I?...No...maybe. I liked her a lot. I’d had my reservations about taking the next step to see if we could be something more. After spending the night with her, I knew I had to. I was convinced she felt the same way. But Luther had killed any chance we’d had. She’d walked away to be with her family just like Priah had. Family always came first. It did for me too—my band was my everything. Sometimes...some things just weren’t meant to be.
I took a huge gulp of vodka and swallowed it down. “To just being fucked up.”
By the time we ventured to the venue for sound check, everyone was tipsy. But we had a show to do. More drinking had to wait.
As we ran through a few songs, all the things I should’ve said to Ava slammed into my head: 'We’re worth fighting for.’ ‘Luther won’t win.’ ‘I want to be with you. Just you. Nobody else.’ Fuuuuck!
I poured all my frustration, anger, and heartache into pummeling the shit out of my drums, pounding my pedals, and striking my sticks.
We churned out one of our hits, “Forget You.” Flint’s voice filled my ear monitors. Each lyric speared my chest.
You’re the devil in disguise,
I knew you’d be my demise.
I just want to be over you,
Leave what we had behind.
Not remember the way you kissed,
Or how we danced.
Not remember the way we laughed,
Or how we took a chance.
I just want to forget you.
I just want to forget you.