Page 15 of Tortured Tones
But once they reached our VIP section, Ava and Beckett blocked their path. Ava turned to me and raised a questioning eyebrow.
No bodyguard would cockblock me.
I stepped over to Ava, squeezed between her and Beckett, and took Min’s hand. Remaining wedged between Ava’s and Beckett’s bodies, I edged in closer to my bodyguard. “Hmm... is that your gun or are you happy to see me?”
Her eyes narrowed into sharp slits. “That’s pepper spray. Want me to use it on you?”
“Nah. Not tonight.” I tugged Min toward me. “These girls are with me.”
Ava dipped her chin. With no hesitation, she stepped back and let the girls through.
How did she do that? Stay so rigid? The woman needed to lighten up. It wouldn’t kill her to crack a smile, would it?
I led the girls over to our table, snaked my hand around Min’s waist, and drew her against my chest. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight. What are you doing here?”
A saucy smile touched her lips as she played with the tips of my button-down collar. Her glittery eyelids sparkled in the bright disco lights. “We’ve just finished Fashion Week in New York. We’re here for two days, then off to London. We were at this wicked party at Layk Studios earlier tonight.” She waved her long pink fingernails toward her blonde friend. “Isla is friends with this nanny who works for some guy who’s high up in the studio. We’ve been to some wild nights, but that was insane. There were drugs, booze and sex, all on offer.”
“Sounds like my kind of party.” Except for the drugs. I didn’t touch them anymore.
Min introduced Isla and Natalia to me and my friends. I gave each of the girls a quick kiss hello on the cheek. “Evening, ladies. Would you like a drink?”
“Oh, yes, please.” Isla’s sexy German accent flitted through the air as she clapped, jingling the silver bracelets on her wrists. “I’d love some champagne.”
“Sounds good.” I waved down the waitress and ordered a bottle.
Min slid her hand around my waist and drew my hip against her side. “I’m glad I ran into you. It’s been a while.”
“It certainly has.” I draped my arm around her shoulders and whispered in her ear, “Last Fashion Week, if I remember.”
“That was fun.” She turned in to me, ran her hands up my chest, and linked her fingers behind my neck. “Anna always put on a good party.”
“That was a hot night.” A pool party with hundreds of girls in skimpy bikinis—what was not to like? Hooking up with Min had been a bonus.
“Pity Anna’s not putting on another fab get-together while I’m here.” She inched a touch closer. “I wouldn’t mind a repeat.”
Min kissed the side of my neck and licked the edge of my earlobe. A shiver ran down my arm, and the hairs on my skin stood on end. But it wasn’t from Min’s warm breath. I glanced over her shoulder. Ava stared at me. Her face, set in stone.
Crap. Did she have to watch my every move?
Ergh! Not going to happen.
I cupped Min’s cheek and gave her a quick kiss. “Let’s have another drink and see how the night pans out.”
I turned my back to Ava so I could chat with our friends. But Ava’s eyes were still on me. I could feel them drilling into my back. I couldn’t shake the weird sensation. I’d had bodyguards before, so why was she bothering me? Why tonight? I downed another shot of vodka and did my best to ignore her.
After a few more drinks, I took Min downstairs and we danced in the middle of the crowd, gyrated our bodies together, getting hotter with each beat that boomed through the busy club. A few songs later we were back up in the VIP area, making out on the sofa. As she sat sideways across my lap, I ran my hands over her bare legs, teasing her skin just beneath the hemline of her dress. My dick ached. I was drunk. I’d partied. Now there was only one thing left to do...without Ava looming in the background. I slid my fingers an inch higher underneath Min’s skirt. “You wanna get out of here?”
She played with the open top buttons on my shirt then popped another one undone. “I’d love to, but I can’t leave.” She leaned in and kissed my exposed throat. “Youwanna sneak off somewhere? Restroom maybe?”
Not ideal, but . . . “Fuck yeah. Let’s go.”
I lifted Min to her feet, stood, and tapped Flint on the back. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Flint’s eyes glinted as he nodded. “Have fun.”
“Planning on it.” I led Min out of our section in the VIP area and veered toward the restrooms on the other side of the mezzanine floor. But just as I passed our security, a hand caught my arm. Ava.
“Mr. Tanner? Where are you going?”