Page 64 of Tortured Tones
“Looks like it.” She folded her arms and leaned against the counter. “Bruno is certain a man was in this car. Not the woman we saw the other week.”
“So it’s someone new? Shit.” I didn’t need this added stress. My pulse thudded in my temples. As I took in Hannah and Charlotte sitting on the sofa watching TV, my breath shuddered through my lungs. I’d never live with myself if something happened to them. I lowered my voice so only Ava could hear. “Was it just a photographer? A fan? Or someone we should be concerned about?”
“We don’t know yet.”
“I don’t want anyone hanging outside my house, or some psycho hurting my kid, or Hannah...or me.”
“Me either.” Concern hooded her eyes, but her calm tone never faltered. “You know as well as I do the fans and the paparazzi get excited around tour time. They disappear when you’re living a normal everyday life.”
“But nothing is normal at present.” As my shoulders sagged, I leaned against the counter. Exhaustion tapped at my bones, but I had to ignore it.
“Cole? We’ve got this.” She gave my arm a gentle squeeze. I’d prefer her whole body wrapped around me, but the gesture was comforting. Grounding. I needed that so I didn’t lose my mind. “We’re here to make sure you, your family, and friends stay safe. There have been no issues raised at the other guys’ houses. So as an added measure to keep a closer eye on this situation, would you object to having full-time security here at your house?” Her steel-like gaze didn’t hint at any other option. “Just till tour kicks off—then I’m sure whoever these people are will stop coming around when they know you aren’t home.”
I drove my fingertips into the pressure points at the top of my nose, but nothing relieved the tension. “As in, have someone stand by my front door all day? Crash in the guesthouse?” Wasn’t sure I’d get any sleep if Ava stayed in there.
“No, one of our team will be positioned outside your property, monitoring activity from the street. They’ll be equipped with surveillance feeds. That way, you can still enjoy the privacy of your own home.”
I puffed air through my nose and shook my head. “Not too much of my life is private.”
“I know.” She softened her tone. “It’s just for a couple weeks until the tour.”
Charlotte jumped on the sofa. Hannah laughed and tickled her tummy. I had to protect them at all costs.
“Fine. Get someone here.” I handed the photo back to Ava. “Keep these fuckers away from my house.”
“Done.” She took the photo from me, folded it, and put it in her jacket pocket. “I’ll make some calls at rehearsal.”
“Thank you.”
After a long afternoon and evening running through our set list several times, then having dinner at Flint’s with my friends, I staggered through the door just after eleven o’clock, drained and utterly exhausted. I couldn’t wait to crash.
It had been one crazy day—good, bad, fun, eye-opening, and daunting.
But just as I was about to dismiss Ava, an almighty, blood-chilling shriek came from upstairs.
Shit! Charlotte!
In the span of a second, I glanced at Ava. The fear in her eyes matched the ice spearing my heart and prickling my skin.
I didn’t draw breath. I bolted up the stairs, taking two at a time.
I burst into her room.
“Charlotte? Oh my God. What’s happened? Fuck . . . where are you?”
Chapter 15
Charlotte wasn’t in her bed. I rushed over and flicked back the covers just to double-check. But then she screamed from the corner, sitting wedged in between the nightstand and the wall. She held Barney against her chest. A million tears streamed down her face.
“Char?” I rushed around to her and fell to my knees. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m here.”
Her hysterical cries tripled. She shook all over. Her big green eyes, full of fear, skipped to me, then Ava, then back again.
Fuck? What should I do? “Sweetie, come here?” I held out my arms, but she cringed and curled into the corner even more.
Did I just grab her? I didn’t want to frighten her any more than she was. Where the fuck was Hannah? I didn’t know how to deal with this.