Page 69 of Tortured Tones
Cole leaned against the back of his car. “Want to talk about it?”
I swayed on my feet, still overwhelmed by Luther’s conversation. “Cole...I don’t think I can or should or...I didn’t mean to take a personal call while on duty.”
“What the fuck? We’re at a suit fitting—not in the middle of a crazy crowd. It’s fine. We don’t exactly have such thing as normal hours to work around.”
Nodding, I stared at the cup lid. “I’m sorry. Luther’s just being difficult again.”
“What’s happened?”
I took a long, slow mouthful of coffee, then savored the hot liquid sliding down my throat and hitting my belly. He’s made it just the way I like it, strong and black. Hmmm. He does notice. Drawing in a slow breath, I cleared my head. There had to be some calm there somewhere. “Luther is traveling for work and has to take Josh with him. It means I miss my time with Josh tomorrow night.”
“Shit. Can he do that? Do you get to swap days around?”
“Doubt it but I can always hope. Luther is rarely logical or reasonable.” I raised a finger off my cup and pointed it at Cole. “You’re lucky you never have to deal with a partner who doesn’t agree with what you want, or puts hurdles in the way, or makes spontaneous, ridiculous changes.”
“No.” His deep voice lowered. “Becoming a single parent out of the blue isn’t easy either.”
“I know.” I did feel for the guy. “Charlotte has upturned your life but be grateful you have her. She’s so beautiful. You have the chance to be everything she needs. I would do anything to have more time with Josh. I live for every moment with him. When plans to see him change, it hurts.”
“Hey. Come here.” He hooked his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my arm. “I’m sorry. I know you miss him. I’ve never thought to ask, but is it difficult for you to be around Charlotte? I don’t want you to be emotionally tortured or distressed.”
He was torturing me right then with his scent, and touch, and compassion. I had to keep my wits about me. “No, not at all.” I eased out of his hold. He shouldn’t be hugging me. “I love being around her. She makes the days easier. Seeing you with her reminds me there are decent people in the world, trying to do the right thing.”
“I’m trying, but I have a lot to learn. You’re helping. You’re always so calm around her. And gentle. And caring. So if you ever need a kid fix, Charlotte gives great cuddles if you ever need one to make it through the days and weeks until you see Josh.”
Yours aren’t bad either. “Thank you. Luther won’t get away with shit forever. I’m over his games. But his time is nearly up. Karma is going to have a field day with him.” I had to believe that. People who were spiteful would be served justice.
He chuckled, low and soft. “Remind me not to get on your bad side.”
“No. Don’t mess with a scorned woman.”
“I’ll remember that.”
“So have you guys finished?”
“Yes. Lewis and Flint had to get jackets adjusted. They won’t be long.”
“Excellent. We’re off to rehearsal then?” Movement caught my eye. Sloane waved from the top step. I pressed the talk button on my radio. “Sloane?”
“Heads up.” His gruff voice came through my two-way. “Gold BMW across the street. Camera is on Cole.”
“Thanks.” I clicked my radio off.
Cole shrugged, seeming to dismiss any care. Resting his butt against his car again, he stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets. “So now you don’t have Josh, what are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Nothing.” Nope, not a thing. Maybe I’d watch an action flick full of shooting guns and big bombs, picturing every round and explosion striking Luther. That had some merit.
“Why don’t you come to Sutton’s and Tia’s launch party with us? It’s the premiere of their TV show Angels in LA. We could hang out, drink expensive champagne, eat some great food, have some fun.”
I coughed, choking on the last mouthful of coffee. My heart rate tripled. “I don’t think so. I’ve seen you have fun. And I don’t date clients.”
“It’s not a fucking date. It’s a thank you for helping with Charlotte, and so you’re not sitting at home alone, bored out of your brain.”
I dangled the cup between my fingers and crossed my arms. “You just don’t like being by yourself now that the other guys have partners.”
“I don’t need a chick on my arm.” His confident tone never faltered. “I’m just being nice.”
“Thank you. But no. We don’t need to cross any lines.”